Taurus marriage cannot tell the pain

TaurusMarriage cannot tell the pain

The Taurus marriage cannot tell the pain can not be understood

Stubborn and nagging character cause everybody to niuniu bored psychology, so they want their partner to niu niu can very good to listen to them, and can give them enough sense of security.

Niuniu is too stubborn, and hear others' persuasion, if the spouse has been rebuked them, even if they choose the way they closed against spouse also remains adamant criticize them, they will be very can't stand it.Niuniu like nagging, if the other half is too nagging them redundant, and loathed their nagging, do a good listener, niuniu will be very sad, so marriage for them is very failure.(The zodiac /astro/)

Marriage cannot tell the pain of the Taurus _ the zodiac

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