Gemini marriage cannot tell the pain

GeminiMarriage cannot tell the pain

Gemini marriage cannot tell the pain: the poor lonely boring

Gemini are very materialistic, the level of their marriage is material life must not be worse than before, and the natural disposition is lively of the twin needs and partner good interaction, also need the other half have time to accompany them.

Geminis material, although their minds will not casually looking for a personTo get married, but if your partner is a poor is poor than their people, you sure you got nothing coming.At the same time, they hope the other half can also like they know everything, if your partner is a goof speak anything stubborn Taurus, Capricorn is not a bright and cheerful disposition or what all can't play the Scorpio, geminis marriage will become a backwater.And if the other half is Scorpio this heavy friends light color, they will be very lonely.(The zodiac /astro/)

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