Taurus boy and Aquarius girl happy chance

TaurusThe boys andAquarius:The girl happy chance

Taurus boy and Aquarius girl happy chance: 60%

Aquarius girl in any boy's side, as long as their patience enough, to be able to coax the boy is very happy, because of Aquarius nature is good at communication, to know what words can let the other party does not feel boring, can also be interested in Aquarius.

In general, the Taurus is a win the favor of Aquarius, because Taurus boy looks mature tactically to talk to, Aquarius girl will appreciate landscape on the surface of the kung fu do seem to know everything of that kind of guy.

But sometimes Taurus too self, breadth of mind is too narrow, Aquarius can cheer up a lot of things, Taurus is can't open instead, two people finally there will be a conflict of ideology, this let Aquarius woman and discrete a most Taurus man combination.(The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus boy and Aquarius girl happy chance _ the zodiac

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