Sagittarius men and Aquarius girl happy chance

SagittariusThe boys andAquarius:The girl happy chance

Sagittarius men and Aquarius girl happy chance: 30%

Aquarius: although difficult marriage to have no other girl so strong, but still eager to a sense of belonging, is that they can notTo get marriedAround, but to feel a man a heart on themselves, Sagittarius boys kind of aura is no instability.

Because Aquarius girl has always been very know-how of Ming, is at a glance to see Sagittarius unreliable, when so many sagittarians are Aquarius is defined as a friend, want to and Aquarius have a further development that is less possible.

And Sagittarius to Aquarius is not a lot of views, they always feel Aquarius girl too, so unless you are deliberately to cater to and close to, it's hard to let two people together that in the end.(The zodiac /astro/)

Sagittarius boys and girls happy chance _ the zodiac Aquarius

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