Taurus children

TaurusThe children of

Taurus children (4.20-5.20)

Taurus is the child's life rhythm is slow, even in the mother's belly, rarely have the status of the movement.In childhood development is slower, usually growing on the norm of the rear, like has been following the growth of the other children.

But parents will find little taureans easy breeding, because they can't go to ask why, but to accept.However, when the the bulls stubborn, but also very headache.

So elastic face life is need to cultivate, otherwise some since young some deep-rooted ideas or habits cannot be changed.Small is actually need to let the bulls know that things have spaceshiptwo itself space, and it's nothing certain, too normal to face, even small the bulls grew up, no immunity for emergent condition, so it is necessary to give flexible learning.

Little cows is materialized, that is, it's easy to see yourself what is the benefit of the actual income, when they think of the interests and they expected a downward gap, mostly not to perform, and are often only see now can feel the interests of the rather than long-term interests., of course, parents should help them to adjust the idea, also is to make their eyes more far-sighted.

Actually help him learn to analyze current conditions is very necessary, because Taurus stubborn nature often makes them at the time of emotional to analyze to the fact that they are really good, so to help them in the moment it is necessary to find real good things.

Too much in the essence of quality control, the growth of the mind's development for small the bulls slower, and their soul is a pain, so they potentially avoid discuss their in front of others, or to express themselves.Because of their past had to express themselves, or hurt when stressed self, and this time he found himself can get the actual interests of the apparently more important, which is a content rich life, to get the respect of others.

Taurus children _ the zodiac

In learning, the smaller the bulls to spend more time to study, especially on a mathematical learning, and some are too abstract concept, but their ability to think is very specialization, so not to give them a variety of learning at a time, it is a time for one, will learn is more important than to learn more.

And some of the more need to spend time and the ability to focus for him is very easy to do well, like a long boring academic research work, or work related to the earth, such as animal husbandry, farm, garden, etc.In addition, the Taurus like big things, but also like to see real things, so the construction is easy to see the figure of the bulls.

The bulls like to enjoy life, so enjoy life related work, as well as the beauty industry, catering industry, jewelry, fashion design and so on.And although the materialization of Taurus is highlighted, but due to the current real guardian star has not been found before, is still associated with art by substituting Venus, so also is suitable for work related to art, but mainly operating work of art, that is "man" instead of "home", like a painter and engraver, unless in the birth chart, there are other more astrological influence of art, is likely to become an artist.

And we can't ignore the Taurus deeply touched, combined with their actual, is that they always will be found in things, real people, real moved, this is the constellation with many world famous performing arts workers.The Taurus in the throat, so most of the cattle have a good voice, of course, if not to become a professional singer, can also occasionally shelters.

In addition, on the feeling of money and material is very sensitive, so with the economic and financial related work, as well as the securities industry, finance, finance and tax consulting, accounting, insurance, etc.(The zodiac /astro/)

In fact, as long as they some more soul growth, they look at life will be more easily, also can find more flexibility for themselves, but also enable them to find the place of space and ease.At the same time also don't forget to speak with them more, so more can know how to express their own ideas, also allows them to know what others think and learn to deal with things others method.

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