Scorpio children

ScorpioThe children of

Scorpio children (10.24-11.22)

When the mother's belly began to conceive a plan when the sun is in Scorpio born baby, will slowly found life links between the fetus and turns out to be so strong!In fact, there are many examples are mom may encounter the happening of the accident, but was not injured and the fetus, even mommy didn't matter.From this we can see small scorpion how strong vitality.

And many small scorpion is choose their own birth time and environment, and mostly abnormal production, the probability of that is used to cesarean section is on the high side, or with some degree of dystocia., of course, so their life was torture.

Scorpio children _ the zodiac

Many scorpion is extreme, especially at the time of life, this tends to make parents especially worried because of this, always afraid they will not protect themselves, and even harm themselves, therefore, is to respect for life in childhood education, it includes not just hurt creatures, even the plants, too, to remind young the pain of life, like to play in the night marketfish, don't press the dead ants and so on.The scorpion to respect life, also can have, cherish have also had more talent and performance is excellent in others.

The late astrological American writer Linda.Ms goodman in the sun sign Scorpio is mentioned there are three kinds of performance, the scorpion is a standard, one kind is the lizard like criminals, another is to transcend the life skyhawk, skyhawk will benefit mankind, the family because they cherish life.

Scorpions temper is not good, is usually very rough, and patience is poor, although grew up the scorpion seemed to have the patience, but it was the way to suppress, if there will be very terrible, so, the training of the patient when the issue of toilet training new should start.

Due to easy to have extreme performance, therefore, will always give various thinking training, had better not from at a young age to not this is the choice.But many have Capricorn's nature is difficult to control, so parents can only do a little a bit.

In addition, the education of good and evil is also very important, the most pure saint and criminals are likely to appear in Scorpio, so you can't ignore any incorrect attitude, and give positive correction, which is an extreme withdrawal, to tell others to get hurt because of this, may be he or his relatives was so hurt to remind him.

Due to the tension of life and capability is very strong, and makes little scorpion is remarkable in the history of art, usually, though not every scorpions in the field of artistic talents, but show the artistic temperament in any work ability are more superior than others.So, like a Picasso is known.

Scorpio is associated with many mysterious things and life, so the related work is able to play, like medical related work, such as medical materials industry, medicine industry, medical industry, pathologists, care, and so on, which also contains the psychoanalysis, like a psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.Also like mystery related as a philosopher, spies, detective industry, occult studies, numerology.

Scorpio is also associated with the treasures of the earth, so related to the geological and mining industry also has a good play.In addition, the chemist will also is a kind of outspread, including Mrs Curie's most representative, she found a chemical in the element radium.In the development of other science, were the little did not family members, but also has a lot of architect and engineer, and even heart astronauts can meet their challenge.

Scorpions have been challenging the energy of life, so some of the most daring work can see their shadow, like the police, Interpol, in particular, there is fire control work, detachments in work, soldiers, especially the Marine corps.(The zodiac /astro/)

Scorpion has a keen intuition, which often makes them also have good performance in wealth management, especially with large amount of financial investment pipeline, such as futures, stocks, certainly also includes the financial sector.

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