Taurus boys like one's performance

  TaurusLike a person's performance/Taurus the boys like a man

  Performance 1. Taurus is completely lost the original self.

Niuniu loves who will become low IQ before him, even completely lost the original self.Niuniu always love the wrong person, therefore, to paraphrase some vulgar theory of love, find a can control everything, or excellent people hurry to himself, but his love of people, is likely to be the at a loss, let yourself in front of her excessive tension and even those who are afraid of.

  Performance 2. Ask him to borrow money, don't ask why directly to lend you

With a determined look borrow money from him, but don't act very urgent need, if he rebuffed, although he does not love you, but at least is a man;If you Dally looking for a variety of reasons, he even show the love you, also useful;If generous, lend you don't ask why, he really in love with you eighty percent.

Note: the amount is not too little, or no test of significance.Don't be too much, if he can't afford, also mention what test, don't scare people into rat shot is good, she put her money in some ways, but niuniu's life.

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