Libra boy like a man

  libraLike a person's performance/libra the boys like a man

  Performance 1. Hang you on the mouth

Libra fall in love with a person, will involuntarily hung it on the tip, whenever any topic can be involved with her, that the people around you may feel very obvious.If libra in the distance, also don't know who you love, it is better to ask a friend recently who I prefer to talk about, when got the same answer, libra love would be clear at a glance.

  2. He began to care about your body

Libra if does not love you, even if already have some feeling for you, he can do is continuous and you go out to play, to carry on the party, but not turned to your body for the slightest concern, only he began to worry about whether your meal nutritious, or your routine or not, he is really in love with you.

Note: if he did not take the initiative to care about, you don't give him the boot, because it's so easy to his disgust, let a could have converted to the feelings of love faded away immediately.

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