Taurus is the ideal marriage

  TaurusThe ideal marriage

Taurus is the most ideal marriage _ the zodiac

Rather than backer, by sea, by family background, male and female niu niu niu niu it is better to choose on their own.Otherwise if the mountain collapsed, the sea have withered, the decline of the family, the love of the Taurus is will empty, cattle need is more are the saviors of my feet on the ground, feeling, money earned or myself.

Taurus - choose a spouse standard on any money

Taurus people free, idle will not rashly accept by each other's violent to marry him.Taurus people are good at looking for their loved ones, can be said to be a vision, to grasp the chance of happiness.Taurus people's understanding of happiness is have a comfortable home.Therefore, in choosing a TaurusTo get marriedObjects, people tend to choose to have the economic basis.

The Taurus woman

Taurus woman in a relationship, is particularly dependent people, stick people stick to the point of let a person can't imagine.However, this is limited to this period, because, once passed the days love cannot extricate oneself, let life slip past them to each other, the Taurus woman reason will defeat the perceptual, they will return to a state of calm.It's normal state in particular, the Taurus woman looking forward to married life, must be more secure, the wind waves, madly in love period experienced is ok, they are more hope to have a peaceful good life.

Taurus men

If married with Taurus, you can grow not good-looking, shape also is bad.But there are two things you are must have, first of all is to do something good, everyone in Taurus are natural gourmet, preference for food with irresistible.In the days of together with your lover Taurus wants to eat very delicious things!Secondly, is that you want to know the financial whether a man spend money never hand or a like luxury brand bagsA womanPlanning, you have to spend money, it is indispensable in Taurus.

Taurus is the ideal marriage

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