Cancer is the most ideal marriage

  cancerThe ideal marriage

Cancer is the most ideal marriage _ the zodiac

Cancer men and women is capable of the original simple relationship made unprecedented chaos, refers to the unprecedented chaos mood, of course, on one side, orders from the parents have to marry (marry) of the nouveau riche, on one side are talented but poor chest stick back artist, just run away!Far from eye, far from heart.

People from cancer - happinessTo get married

Marriage for cancer, is the foundation of life is the most important, if do not have this foundation, then there is no happiness in life, easy to fuss about cancer girl, happy to deal with the housework at home, xiangfujiaozi.

The cancer woman

The cancer woman in his life, to be loved number not much, this is because they mostly don't love the initiative to meet a new friend, underneath a low-key, made them whenever you can't become the focus of people.Under the cancer woman, however, do not envy the glorious life, they feel right now instead of ordinary life more comfortable, at least not so tired.Therefore, after the cancer woman meet lover right, settle down in the heart will soon appear, and the married life they want, and is two people with JuAnJiMei small sweet, like the pure love without impurities.

Cancer men

Cancer, marriage is not just between the two things, especially between several families and even family.And want to make a happy marriage is the most important is the harmony between families.Cancer men when they get married not too can accept family to watch a good place.And after marriage is more emphasis on the relationship between several families.The cancer itself at the expense of their time and energy, as long as happy family all ok!Only a few families to personality, property disputes very much, this kind of marital status once appear, this is really about to collapse!

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