Taurus will come away trip to field said

Taurus will field said come away trip? _ the zodiac

Don't know since when, "said a go go travel" was born, and I don't know since when, "said a go go traveling" everyone is looking forward to.However, it has been said, there must be at least two impulses in life, once a selfless love, once said to come away trip., dazed and confused mood is our most appropriate adjectives, such as li yuchun sings "don't crazy we are old, no recall how festivals, and what lasts forever, miss you no more", so the young we often like to traces left impulse and regretless youth.The zodiac, treat no scruples, said go go travel, what kind of attitude?They will come to say come away trip?With small make up together and see it.


Stubborn prudent bull, even if the heart have such brave to fry the boss squid, haobuguji set foot on the idea of travel, but they also thought of a longer, come back after the face to find a job these realities, they are only half-heartedly.

Taurus: a slow type is not willing to do the impulse to do much more

Taurus is a very slow hot signs of the zodiac, is a typical psychological type, if only one keeps the color like to live a simple life, also don't want to make too many natural impulses.The sign of the Taurus is a very prudent and conservative, as for the go go travel, also can have the characteristics of a kind of envy, but not easily to make such a decision.A slow type of personality traits, Taurus is not willing to do the impulse, is a friend encouraged, rows of possibility will be small.Taurus loves life, and said come away trip impulse, is indeed have bigger difference.

Taurus, Hong Kong

Taurus satisfy their most fundamental way is to rich material comforts.Throughout the domestic each big destination, there's no place more suitable than Hong Kong to complete this task.No matter in vision, taste or pure shopping and collect on the satisfaction of desire, here is absolutely can be sufficient for your next action power!

Blood ask of Hong Kong has been a small property are in the busy work to the best way to treat yourself, 3 days is enough to a trip, only need to prepare enough silver with credit card.

Hong Kong, is a shopping paradise in the daytime, evening entertainment hall.If you only put the shopping as the only stroke, it is a pity, belong to the night of the Hong Kong enchanting, can only feel personally bubble nightclubs

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