Gemini will come away trip to field said

Gemini will field said come away trip? _ the zodiac

Don't know since when, "said a go go travel" was born, and I don't know since when, "said a go go traveling" everyone is looking forward to.However, it has been said, there must be at least two impulses in life, once a selfless love, once said to come away trip., dazed and confused mood is our most appropriate adjectives, such as li yuchun sings "don't crazy we are old, no recall how festivals, and what lasts forever, miss you no more", so the young we often like to traces left impulse and regretless youth.The zodiac, treat no scruples, said go go travel, what kind of attitude?They will come to say come away trip?With small make up together and see it.


Optimist will certainly not as Taurus Gemini, because have not come of give up outside to explore, on said you get the chance.Their view, shouldn't occupy all of life.

Gemini: curious said come away more rows of passive situation

Gemini constellation is a curious, but not a lot of adventure, so I want to go to go travel, in the heart of the Gemini, will think a lot, but always less than courage.But if just have friends meet at any time, it said come away the urge to become brave Gemini.A friend's company and encouragement, said the passive, come away also let Gemini among friends, became the most famous types, receive many friends like it, do something impulsive, more willing to go looking for them, as usual, Gemini would never worried at this moment.

Gemini, lijiang

Gemini you like new things, like thinking collision.Exotic lijiang, too many things to see in the novel view and the mystery of the naxi culture can give you a wave after wave of strong shocks, let you linger, action make full mental preparation for the next step!

Lijiang dongba epic "the ruban ruzsa, of love, one of the most fascinating for love, a pair of lovers can be easy to die.Lijiang has functions of promoting the love hormone mysterious air and soil.Plateau to affectionate, because of lack of oxygen, the person is dizzy, much less in the city of waking and calculation.Add a snow-capped mountains, blue sky, white clouds, water, flowers, let people in lijiang, like into the love paradise.For love, lijiang, like a dream, it's a really, can experience of reality.

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