A travel with you to see the Pisces

A travel with you to see the Pisces _ the zodiac

Usually get along very nice friend, need to stay 24 hours in the travel, there are a lot of things to deal with, also there are so many decisions, to do each other's shortcomings infinite amplification, the differences of consumption, habits of life, the princess disease...A trigger can trigger a tragedy, someone once said, if you want to talk to a person break, then go to travel.Have how many boys and girls in a journey and go after the end of the, because each other to see, see the doesn't fit, saw each other, next, small make up to a said come away trip, for you to see usThe zodiac!

Pisces- affairs and romantic

Very romantic to travel with a Pisces man, we are on a honeymoon, he gave me a lot of surprises!Dinner by candlelight and flowers red wineswimmingPool of what, unforgettable, good sweet.

If you travel with a friend, you will surely mind in addition to the beautiful scenery, then there is the beautiful faces along the occupying their minds, they didn't afraid of those who come from stranger's intentional or accidental eye contact, even a look, their inner YY drama have a whole department, good feeling of dramas!If you travel with your partner, poetic romance can take partner to another heaven, even if you are on the way in pickpocket theft becomes poor, also can tips poor fairy tale plot.

Pisces women, sensibility, poetic romance.In the face of love, she will very chi bound, is willing to sacrifice himself for his love, they create the kind of romantic relationships, can let a partner couldn't help but love her deeply.But she has a very serious problem, is likely to have high expectations of partner, desire for your love is like a mythical perfect.

She fall in love of the object is to create the miracle of cellini prince, he is handsome, deep feeling, she also to imagine myself as living in a castle in the fairy princess.Unfortunately, she is at best a fall to earth fairies, magic wand is just your own imagination.

Earth is more common, most men can't satisfy her expectations, otherworldly love also rare.Pisces women are afraid of is hurt, when they have the feeling of the heart, will be shy timid, afraid this is only his own wishful thinking.In order not to let people see their inner upset, they built a wall around, keep distance with others in order to protect themselves.Then, they play to create romantic fantasy, in their own world to create a beautiful relationship.

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