A travel with you to see a libra

Take you to see a tourism libra _ the zodiac

Usually get along very nice friend, need to stay 24 hours in the travel, there are a lot of things to deal with, also there are so many decisions, to do each other's shortcomings infinite amplification, the differences of consumption, habits of life, the princess disease...A trigger can trigger a tragedy, someone once said, if you want to talk to a person break, then go to travel.Have how many boys and girls in a journey and go after the end of the, because each other to see, see the doesn't fit, saw each other, next, small make up to a said come away trip, for you to see usThe zodiac!

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In addition to choose difficult disease, other is good!Will enjoy very much, not wronged me, it is sometimes a bit the unintelligent.

Libra where go to, always don't forget to bring a beautiful clothes, and all kinds of sunscreen, so as a travel companion, best with monocular clap clap on them, they request must be made even star photo effect pictures.In addition, the tourism with libra people with more money is indispensable, they spend money like water character reflect incisively and vividly in the travel more, eat to go to a fancy restaurant, want to sleep sleep five-star hotels, because they are pay attention to the environment, elegant and noble eat isn't good to the environment is good, they are "eating environment" star who can fill the stomach.

Libra is sensitive, as long as a breeze, is enough to make the thrill.The person's mind is a sensitive scales.He is hovering between is, anti, swing between left and right;Ruminating on high frequency, swing.

Because of the sensitive to the concerns other people feeling, is the person's advantage, but is too afraid of what others feel, will hurt yourself.Don't understand the art of refuse, make the person often eat frowsty lose.In trouble, the person can't display, over time, become timid, cowardice, escape from reality, to find their own sky, working in the right environment, can let the person get the normal growth of body and mind.

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