Take you see Sagittarius a tourist

Take you to see a tourism Sagittarius _ the zodiac

Usually get along very nice friend, need to stay 24 hours in the travel, there are a lot of things to deal with, also there are so many decisions, to do each other's shortcomings infinite amplification, the differences of consumption, habits of life, the princess disease...A trigger can trigger a tragedy, someone once said, if you want to talk to a person break, then go to travel.Have how many boys and girls in a journey and go after the end of the, because each other to see, see the doesn't fit, saw each other, next, small make up to a said come away trip, for you to see usThe zodiac!

Sagittarius- not to talk to adventure

Striker boyfriend love freedom, freedom do best, he said, is very free, how many minutes will not be compelled to go spots and not forced to shopping, but that with himGet lostAfter I don't want to freedom ride with him, go a lot of wrong way, tired to death, and play the mood also have no, came close to the police for help.

Travel with Sagittarius people please buy insurance, or accidentally lost or an accident, is really don't blame me didn't warn you, sagittarians route different others, go to some places, always baidu first novel places, such as "the world's ten biggest terrorist forbidden area" and so on, dear friends!Do "said go go, don't walk the dog" psychological preparation?

You'll often find, Sagittarius woman too optimistic, there are no negative factors in her mind, no matter what things do, casually promise, in the process of doing things and carelessness, not enough careful.This irresponsible attitude and habit of oversold, often let her meet commitment is too high, but the actual capacity of less than, let a person have to doubt the reliability of their commitment and authenticity.In fact, the people around her if you can give her some reminder, would be helpful to her, she will get from them, become mature, at least not make the same mistake again.

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