When Aquarius is no longer love you

When Aquarius is no longer love you _ the zodiac

The beginning of love is always sweet happiness, every day together, no words don't talk, see such as a day seems as long as three years.But with the passage of time, perhaps passion, very speechless, fate has come to an end.Boundless and indistinct, seldom someone once, find a can accompany the life of the TA, let's take a look at whenAquarius:Don't love you with what kind of symptom and sign.


If your Aquarius lover want to go, you may find that they began to like your good friends.Even if this time has empathy don't love, but the bottle will continue for you to know everything, can.Slowly, you will find each other more and more difficult to understand & cold, this is it time to go.(hint: next time, you'd better find a earth person)

When Aquarius is no longer love you

The duke of zhou interprets of query