When Sagittarius no longer love you

When Sagittarius is no longer love you _ the zodiac

The beginning of love is always sweet happiness, every day together, no words don't talk, see such as a day seems as long as three years.But with the passage of time, perhaps passion, very speechless, fate has come to an end.Boundless and indistinct, seldom someone once, find a can accompany the life of the TA, let's take a look at whenSagittariusDon't love you with what kind of symptom and sign.


In general, this constellation talker, and rarely diplomatic purposes, couple is hid.So if they want to go, almost not to hide, you can even use doesn't care about the tone and are you kidding (naked in your wound top sa salt and vinegar and involuntary!).Who let TA lack of root reinforcement, striker, after all, for the majority of people are loved you forget.

When Sagittarius is no longer love you

The duke of zhou interprets of query