Aquarius woman can endure & cannot endure

Aquarius woman can endure & can't endure _ the zodiac

Girl's inner world is rich and colorful, they are emotionally principles are written by themselves, maybe they like can make you feel puzzling, perhaps they hate will make you feel puzzling, their delicate mind will capture your every little bit, as long as you don't touch their minefield, again how extravagant also won't affect your relationship, so what do you know what Aquarius woman can tolerate and will not tolerate?

【 Aquarius woman 】

Can tolerate you fall in love with each other, they can tolerate everything

Can't stand, nothing can stand, if you also need to be able to tolerate her

For the huge Aquarius woman naturally inclusive heart, basically nothing is she can't stand, bad habits?It doesn't matter, she can wait for you to change, or she will help you to find a theory to accept your all sorts of bad habits, to tolerate you, but all of the first is the premise of she loves you.Of course, you also want to accept her occasionally funny ideas and words, as well as her erratic ideas, give her enough free space, although she does not like these women so particular measure of gain and loss, but basically, sign or pay attention to the balance of wind!

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