The cancer woman can endure & cannot endure

The cancer woman can endure & can't endure _ the zodiac

Girl's inner world is rich and colorful, they are emotionally principles are written by themselves, maybe they like can make you feel puzzling, perhaps they hate will make you feel puzzling, their delicate mind will capture your every little bit, as long as you don't touch their minefield, again how extravagant also won't affect your relationship, so what do you know what the cancer woman can tolerate and will not tolerate?

"The cancer woman"

Can tolerate - the other half seriously don't have time to accompany their career

Can't stand - the other half profligacy

Focus on the cancer woman is gentle, is also a traditional, make a perfect wife and mother but her ultimate goal.Since ancient times, the gentleman career more indomitable spirit, this aspect is very considerate of the cancer woman, even more hard for you to manage logistics affairs, let you rest easy, but avoid by all means is wasteful, she's a real live person, spending money this attitude will make her lose family security.

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