Aquarius love sensitive area

Aquarius love sensitive area _ the zodiac

Love is beautiful, is sweet, even is selfless dedication, however, everyone in the process of love has its own boundaries, exceed this limit will begin to self protection, do not want other people to touch it, will start to sensitive, began to mind, even some reject the idea of, so, we love what is the sensitive area of the zodiac?Along with the small make up immediately let me know!

Aquarius:: do as you would still impose on others

Aquarius people like freedom, anaerobic, disgust, and physical control by anyone.Accordingly, if the other half happens to be rules, requirements, and always love you don't want to say, do strong, to send bottles to say, to do it, can cause bottle the mood of the rebound.Because water can't stand to speak, to do things will be constrained everywhere, is scheduled to be instructions, lost free writing space, can no longer own, can make bottle is very uncomfortable.

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