Cancer love sensitive area

This sign love to genital _ the zodiac

Love is beautiful, is sweet, even is selfless dedication, however, everyone in the process of love has its own boundaries, exceed this limit will begin to self protection, do not want other people to touch it, will start to sensitive, began to mind, even some reject the idea of, so, we love what is the sensitive area of the zodiac?Along with the small make up immediately let me know!

cancer: be lover invasion of privacy

Cancer people are paying attention to protecting the privacy of personal information, in their view, his mind is a locked castle, without their permission, who all have no right to trespassing.Even if two lovers, they also have reservations, don't like all the privacy in the xuan.When being lovers, therefore, invasion of privacy (e.g., secretly looked at cancer newsletter, diary, chat records), cancer will be a counter in the past the normality of the gentle and polite, become angry!

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