Sagittarius hidden personality disorder

Sagittarius hidden personality disorder _ the zodiac

No one is perfect, again good people will also existed shortcomings,The zodiacPeople is not exceptional also, just more outstanding more mature person more will manage to conceal his own shortcomings and defects, and can better to show people his perfect side, let us bypass look perfectSagittariusPeople hide behind a personality disorder.

Sagittarius (attacking personality)

Sagittarius children at a young age if lack of discipline, too much freedom or luxury, later is particularly likely to develop aggressive personality full of impulse and destruction.Sagittarius eq is not high, the energetic body seems to accumulate the infinite strength to play.

Aggressive personality characteristics description: highly unstable mood, easy to generate excitement and impulse, handle affairs rashly, lack of self-control, slightly not handed out by the way, regardless of the consequences.In patients with heartHave a haircutYukon immature, judgment analysis ability is poor, easy to be stirred up, for others and the society show hostility, aggression and destruction.

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