Leo hidden personality disorder

Leo hidden personality disorder _ the zodiac

No one is perfect, again good people will also existed shortcomings,The zodiacPeople is not exceptional also, just more outstanding more mature person more will manage to conceal his own shortcomings and defects, and can better to show people his perfect side, let us bypass look perfectLeoPeople hide behind a personality disorder.

Leo (narcissistic personality)

Actually Leo people don't necessarily will lead to serious narcissism, except in very little success, but rather a lot of time and power, becomes the dominating bossy and pathological narcissistic personality.There is also a show personality is very accord with Leo, good performance to others see, even if there is no stranger in the behavior and drama.Heart as if there is a lot on his audience.

Of narcissistic personality disorder causes, the interpretation of the classic psychoanalytic theory is this: the patient cannot bring their instinct mental strength to the outside world on a particular object, the strength retention internally, formed the narcissism.Narcissistic personality disorder mood easy to become "hot and cold".Side is not very good understand their heat come from their is come from the cold.These are they and there is no limit to outward things (objects), the performance of the prominent characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder is external everything is point to yourself.

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