Gemini hidden personality disorder

Gemini hidden personality disorder _ the zodiac

No one is perfect, again good people will also existed shortcomings,The zodiacPeople is not exceptional also, just more outstanding more mature person more will manage to conceal his own shortcomings and defects, and can better to show people his perfect side, let us bypass look perfectGeminiPeople hide behind a personality disorder.

Gemini (borderline personality)

Gemini is to compare internal "multiplicity", everyone knows.If you don't have a good management and their own individual personality, it is similar to a split personality, idea never compromise, easy to form a borderline personality.

Borderline personality (Borderline move disorder, BPD).Acting in a capricious mood changes and unstable as the main characteristics.This kind of personality disorder in self image, mood, behavior and performance is not stable in interpersonal communication.Symptoms have been revealed in early adulthood, but along with the age growth easing or stability.Patients believe that being in deprived childhood full of love and feel empty, anger, shall have the right to require the caress.So they seek endless love.In psychiatric and other kinds of health care Settings, such personality disorder is most rare.When patients with borderline personality disorder feel the care of others, they act like lonely outcast, but when they are afraid of losing people care about, the mood will be a dramatic change, often show the inappropriate, intense anger.At the same time accompanied by the world, a radical shift in ideas about themselves and to others - from black to white, from hate to love.And vice versa.The notion of they never compromise.When they feel abandoned (ie completely alone), they will self isolation or impulsiveness.Sometimes lack of idea of reality, they will show sample psychiatric thinking short fragments, for example, a sexual thoughts and paranoid hallucinations.

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