Will harvest golden autumn in October, Leo

Autumn in October, Leo will reap what _ the zodiac

October wind, not warm not cold, October cloud, not nearly not far, October sky, the blue the most gentle, in this picturesque October, sentimental, October golden October, mature harvest in October, the road is full of fallen leaves in October, our constellation will harvest in this October?Along with the small make up me immediately and see it!


Good luck of harvest: lover know what you need

For singles, what better than a beloved can read their own eyes, and give a positive response to this matter is more exciting?Single people and enjoy good luck brought wonderful!!!!And the lover will more confident about feelings because of the lover's actively cooperate with, each other more tacit understanding, feelings sweet index soared.

Good luck to hurry up to?

Secret book 1: to invite a beloved a said come away trip, in the southwest is the best.

Secret 2: present each other like anime peripheral.

Small problems can not be ignored

1, careless trouble -- his hand out of the words more checks.

2, finances already - in control of their consumption desire, shouldn't buy don't buy.

Autumn in October, Leo will reap what relevant content

The duke of zhou interprets of query