Autumn in October, Aries will harvest

Autumn in October, Aries will reap what _ the zodiac

October wind, not warm not cold, October cloud, not nearly not far, October sky, the blue the most gentle, in this picturesque October, sentimental, October golden October, mature harvest in October, the road is full of fallen leaves in October, our constellation will harvest in this October?Along with the small make up me immediately and see it!


Harvest: good luck meeting interesting new people

Unconsciously, to flow around a fresh breath, and before you know their friends, but also will bring you a fresh and interesting feeling, make you sigh the fate is wonderful.Of course, the arrival of the new friends will be the icing on the cake for you, not only the key moment more nice surprise!

Good luck to hurry up to?

Book 1: walking out with a friend more, especially with the northwest of the home is the best.

Secret 2: desk with glass bottle put three blooming lily, wither immediately after replacement.

Small problems can not be ignored

1.The testPoor luck, dozen spirit quickly, please friends to urge their learning.

2, purse is not full - plan your shopping, temporarily don't need not to buy it.

Autumn in October, Aries will reap what relevant content

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