Autumn in October, libra will harvest

Autumn in October, libra will reap what _ the zodiac

October wind, not warm not cold, October cloud, not nearly not far, October sky, the blue the most gentle, in this picturesque October, sentimental, October golden October, mature harvest in October, the road is full of fallen leaves in October, our constellation will harvest in this October?Along with the small make up me immediately and see it!


Harvest: good luck love feeling stronger

Libra love walking in the middle of the month, will become no longer so smoothly the interference factors emerged - somehow make love suddenly out a rough patch.Thank god bless, each other heart is moved, but it will not last long, was firmly will let feelings more firmly.

Good luck to hurry up to?

Book 1: photo, photo shoot couples or couples can deepen our emotional attachment.

Secret 2: Capricorn friends more than two people and the sun.

Small problems can not be ignored

More than 1, depressed - away from negative energies, and cheerful friends.

2, lower -- in addition to the necessary expenditures, reducing costs, so that parents are more willing to support you.

Autumn in October, libra will reap what relevant content

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