Pop team epic作夢
"Pop Team Epic" (ポプテピピック) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Bkub Okawa. It is a surreal and absurdist comedy that follows the daily antics of two main characters, Popuko and Pipimi, who often find themselves in bizarre and nonsensical situations. The series is known for its unpredictable humor, fourth-wall breaking, and references to various pop culture elements.
The term "作夢" (sakumu) in Japanese can be translated to "dreaming" or "imagination." Given the nature of "Pop Team Epic," it's possible that you're referring to a dream sequence or a surreal moment within the manga or an adaptation where the characters are involved in a dream-like scenario. The series frequently explores surreal and dream-like sequences as part of its humor and storytelling.
If you're looking for specific information or an episode where Popuko and Pipimi are involved in a dream or a surreal moment, I recommend referring to the specific manga chapters or anime episodes, as the series is structured in a way that makes it difficult to pinpoint exact moments without specific references. The series has a reputation for its chaotic and non-linear storytelling, which includes dream sequences and moments that blur the lines between reality and fantasy.