
"Doraemon" (多啦A夢) is a Japanese manga series that has been adapted into various media, including video games. The series follows the adventures of a robotic cat named Doraemon, who travels back in time from the 22nd century to help his friend Nobita Nobi with his daily problems using a variety of gadgets from the future.

There have been many Doraemon video games released over the years for different platforms, including consoles, handhelds, and mobile devices. These games often involve puzzle-solving, adventure, and action elements, and may feature characters and settings from the Doraemon universe.

As for the mention of "呂珊" (Lucy), it's possible that this is a reference to a character or a specific game that features Lucy as a prominent character. However, without more context, it's difficult to determine the exact game or content you're referring to.

If you're looking for a specific Doraemon game or information about games that feature Lucy, you may need to provide more details or context. Alternatively, you could search online for "Doraemon video games" or "Doraemon games with Lucy" to see if there's a specific title or content that matches your query.

