Black squad夢遊

"Black Squad Dreamland" or "Black Squad 夢遊" is not a common term or phrase in English or Chinese, and it's not associated with any known game, book, movie, or popular culture reference. It could be a made-up term or a mistranslation. If you're referring to a specific game, book, or something else, please provide more context so I can give you a more accurate answer.

If you're looking for information on "Black Squad," it could be a reference to a game or a squad with a black uniform in a specific context. However, without more details, it's challenging to provide specific information.

If you're referring to "夢遊" (mèng yóu) in Chinese, it means "sleepwalking" or "to walk in one's sleep." It's a phenomenon where a person walks or performs other actions while asleep. This term is often used in a literal sense in Chinese, but it can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who is not fully aware of their actions or is acting mechanically without thinking.

If you're looking for information on a specific game, book, or something else, please provide more context so I can give you a more accurate answer.

