

  1. Aries (牡羊座)
    The story of Aries is linked to the Golden Fleece. Aries represents the ram with golden wool that saved Phrixus and Helle from their evil stepmother. The ram was later sacrificed, and its fleece became the prize sought by Jason and the Argonauts.

  2. Taurus (金牛座)
    Taurus is associated with the myth of Zeus and Europa. Zeus transformed himself into a magnificent white bull to seduce Europa, a Phoenician princess. He carried her across the sea to Crete, where she became the mother of Minos.

  3. Gemini (雙子座)
    Gemini represents the twins Castor and Pollux. Castor was mortal, while Pollux was immortal. When Castor died, Pollux asked Zeus to let them share immortality, so they were placed in the sky as the constellation Gemini.

  4. Cancer (巨蟹座)
    Cancer is tied to the story of Hercules and the Hydra. During Hercules' battle with the Hydra, Hera sent a giant crab to distract him. Although Hercules crushed the crab, Hera honored its loyalty by placing it in the sky as the constellation Cancer.

  5. Leo (獅子座)
    Leo represents the Nemean Lion, a fearsome beast slain by Hercules as one of his twelve labors. The lion's skin was impenetrable, but Hercules strangled it and used its pelt as armor. Zeus placed the lion in the sky as a constellation.

  6. Virgo (處女座)
    Virgo is often associated with the goddess of justice, Astraea. She was the last immortal to leave Earth during the Iron Age, disgusted by humanity's wickedness. Zeus placed her among the stars as the constellation Virgo.

  7. Libra (天秤座)
    Libra, the scales, is linked to Astraea as well. It represents the balance of justice and fairness. In some versions, Libra is seen as the scales held by Astraea, symbolizing her impartiality.

  8. Scorpio (天蠍座)
    Scorpio is tied to the story of Orion, the great hunter. Orion boasted he could kill all the animals on Earth, so Gaia sent a giant scorpion to stop him. The scorpion stung Orion, killing him, and both were placed in the sky as constellations.

  9. Sagittarius (射手座)
    Sagittarius is often depicted as a centaur archer, representing Chiron, the wise and immortal centaur. Chiron was a mentor to many Greek heroes and was placed in the sky after his death.

  10. Capricorn (摩羯座)
    Capricorn is associated with the sea-goat Amalthea, who nursed Zeus as a baby. In gratitude, Zeus placed her among the stars. Another version links Capricorn to Pan, who transformed into a goat-fish to escape the monster Typhon.

  11. Aquarius (水瓶座)
    Aquarius represents Ganymede, a beautiful youth abducted by Zeus to serve as the cupbearer to the gods. Zeus placed him in the sky as the constellation Aquarius, symbolizing the pouring of water.

  12. Pisces (雙魚座)
    Pisces is linked to the myth of Aphrodite and Eros. To escape the monster Typhon, they transformed into fish and tied themselves together with a rope. They were later placed in the sky as the constellation Pisces.

These stories have been passed down through generations, blending mythology and astronomy to create the rich tapestry of the zodiac.



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