追求夢想的英文表達是 "pursue one's dreams" 或 "chase one's dreams"。這兩個短語都傳達了努力實現個人目標和願望的含義。例如,你可以說 "She is determined to pursue her dreams of becoming a doctor" 或 "He never gave up chasing his dreams of becoming an artist." 這些表達方式都強調了為實現夢想而付出的努力和堅持。
追求夢想的英文表達是 "pursue one's dreams" 或 "chase one's dreams"。這兩個短語都傳達了努力實現個人目標和願望的含義。例如,你可以說 "She is determined to pursue her dreams of becoming a doctor" 或 "He never gave up chasing his dreams of becoming an artist." 這些表達方式都強調了為實現夢想而付出的努力和堅持。