《白日夢冒險王》(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)是一部充滿冒險與自我探索的電影,其中有許多經典的台詞對話,以下是其中一些值得回味的片段:
Walter Mitty與Sean O'Connell的對話:
Sean: "Beautiful things don't ask for attention."
Walter: "What do you mean?"
Sean: "Sometimes I don't. If I like a moment... I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it."
這段對話展現了Sean對生活的態度,提醒人們在追求美好時,有時需要放下外界的干擾,真正沉浸於當下的瞬間。 -
Walter Mitty與Todd Maher的對話:
Todd: "To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life."
Walter: "That's the motto of Life magazine?"
Todd: "No, that's the motto of the magazine's secret honor society."
這段台詞不僅是Life雜誌的座右銘,也成為了Walter冒險旅程的指引,鼓勵他走出舒適圈,去探索未知的世界。 -
Walter Mitty與Cheryl Melhoff的對話:
Cheryl: "When are you going to take it?"
Walter: "Take what?"
Cheryl: "The leap."
Walter: "I was just about to."
這段對話簡短卻充滿深意,Cheryl鼓勵Walter勇敢邁出第一步,去追尋自己的夢想與冒險。 -
Walter Mitty與母親的對話:
Walter: "I was just trying to do my job."
Mother: "You know, Walter, sometimes I think you're too much in your head. You need to get out more."