

  1. Aries (牡羊座): Energetic, adventurous, and courageous. Arians are known for their leadership qualities and a strong desire to be first in everything they do.

  2. Taurus (金牛座): Reliable, patient, and practical. Taureans value stability and comfort, often showing a strong connection to material pleasures.

  3. Gemini (雙子座): Versatile, expressive, and curious. Geminis are known for their adaptability and quick wit, often engaging in multiple activities simultaneously.

  4. Cancer (巨蟹座): Intuitive, emotional, and nurturing. Cancers are deeply connected to their home and family, often putting the needs of others before their own.

  5. Leo (獅子座): Confident, ambitious, and generous. Leos are natural leaders who love the spotlight and are known for their big-heartedness.

  6. Virgo (處女座): Analytical, kind, and hardworking. Virgos are meticulous and detail-oriented, often striving for perfection in all aspects of life.

  7. Libra (天秤座): Diplomatic, gracious, and fair-minded. Librans are lovers of harmony and balance, often seeking peace and justice in their surroundings.

  8. Scorpio (天蠍座): Passionate, assertive, and determined. Scorpios are known for their intensity and depth, often pursuing their goals with relentless focus.

  9. Sagittarius (射手座): Optimistic, adventurous, and honest. Sagittarians are explorers at heart, always seeking knowledge and new experiences.

  10. Capricorn (摩羯座): Responsible, disciplined, and self-controlled. Capricorns are known for their practicality and ambition, often achieving long-term success through perseverance.

  11. Aquarius (水瓶座): Innovative, humanitarian, and independent. Aquarians are forward-thinking and value their individuality, often advocating for social change.

  12. Pisces (雙魚座): Compassionate, artistic, and intuitive. Pisceans are empathetic and often have a strong connection to the arts and spirituality.


