constellations = [
"牡羊座", "金牛座", "雙子座", "巨蟹座",
"獅子座", "處女座", "天秤座", "天蠍座",
"射手座", "摩羯座", "水瓶座", "雙魚座"
將返回 "牡羊座"。
def get_constellation(month, day):
if (month == 3 and day >= 21) or (month == 4 and day <= 19):
return constellations[0] # 牡羊座
elif (month == 4 and day >= 20) or (month == 5 and day <= 20):
return constellations[1] # 金牛座
elif (month == 5 and day >= 21) or (month == 6 and day <= 21):
return constellations[2] # 雙子座
elif (month == 6 and day >= 22) or (month == 7 and day <= 22):
return constellations[3] # 巨蟹座
elif (month == 7 and day >= 23) or (month == 8 and day <= 22):
return constellations[4] # 獅子座
elif (month == 8 and day >= 23) or (month == 9 and day <= 22):
return constellations[5] # 處女座
elif (month == 9 and day >= 23) or (month == 10 and day <= 23):
return constellations[6] # 天秤座
elif (month == 10 and day >= 24) or (month == 11 and day <= 22):
return constellations[7] # 天蠍座
elif (month == 11 and day >= 23) or (month == 12 and day <= 21):
return constellations[8] # 射手座
elif (month == 12 and day >= 22) or (month == 1 and day <= 19):
return constellations[9] # 摩羯座
elif (month == 1 and day >= 20) or (month == 2 and day <= 18):
return constellations[10] # 水瓶座
elif (month == 2 and day >= 19) or (month == 3 and day <= 20):
return constellations[11] # 雙魚座
return "日期無效"