
《夢幻女郎》(Dreamgirls)是一部著名的音樂劇,後來被改編成同名電影。以下是其中一首經典歌曲《And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going》的部分歌詞:

And I am telling you I'm not going
You're the best man I'll ever know
There's no way I can ever go
No, no, there's no way
No, no, no, no way I'm living without you
I'm not living without you
I don't wanna be free
I'm staying, I'm staying
And you, and you, you're gonna love me
You're gonna love me

這首歌由Jennifer Holliday在音樂劇中首唱,後來在電影版中由Jennifer Hudson演唱。歌詞表達了女主角對愛情的執著與不放棄的決心,情感非常強烈。

