Genius will dare to do IQ tests (2)

1, the multinational companies prefer the interview questions

The answer:

The first step, xiao Ming and his brother across the bridge and xiao Ming back, takes 4 seconds;

The second step, xiao Ming and dad across the river, my brother come back, take 9 seconds;

The third step, the mother and grandfather across the river, xiao Ming came back, took 13 seconds;

Finally, xiao Ming and his brother across the river, take four seconds, a total of 30 seconds, how exciting!

Do you think of?This kind of intelligence subject, is inspecting applicant under the condition of limit the ability to solve the problem.Many people tend to think should by xiao Ming holds the lamp come and go, the most save time, but in the end how to also don't have a solution.But change the idea, we according to the specific circumstances to determine who holds the lamp come and go, as long as do a little change.

2, make you a head two big arithmetic

Answer: located

3, the ancient Indian interesting math problem

Answer: 15 only

4, apple IQ test

Answer: after the box number, in the first box apple to come up with a, the second box take two, the third box with three, and so on, all together out of apple, according to 0.1 is the first box apple weight less, less is the second box weight 0.2, 0.3 is the third box weight less, and so on.

5, elementary mathematical olympiad primary challenge

Answer: 6 + (4/2) + (358/179) = 10

6, halo around your strange city problem

Answer: on one of the people on guard said: "if I asked the man opposite, which side should go, what would he tell me?"Then ask another person with the same words.

7, you will not necessarily little things of life

Answer: 3 litres of fill, 5 litres of barrels (5 barrels and 2 litres space);3 liters full again, 5 liters barrels to full, 3 liters barrels with 1 liter;Pour out all of the 5 liters barrels of water, put 3 liters barrels of 1 5 litres barrel;3 liters barrels filled with 5 barrels for a quick 4 litres.

8, you can catch up with the farmer's IQ

Answer: if only one animal, so the master of poultry in the first day I saw the rest of the 49 dog is have no disease, knew that oneself the home sick, so the first day will have guns.If two sick, its owner a and b, respectively, on the first day no shots ring out, the next day a will do the following thinking: if I have no disease of poultry, so b in all the 49 birds saw yesterday is a normal dog, he will know their sick poultry to shoot.Why didn't he shoot?This shows that he saw my sick poultry.So a will shoot in the second day.Of course the same b will shoot in the second day.The actual situation is, the third genius gunshots, then according to the above method reasoning: there must be 3 sick dog.

9, the civil service examination questions of the dog went after a rabbit

Answer: 54


Answer: two broken should be divided into three, I put the gold into 1/7, 2/7 and 4/7.In this way, 1 day I could give him 1/7;2 days I will give him 2/7, let him find my 1/7;3 days I will give him 1/7 and 2/7 of the original is 3/7;4 days I gave him the piece of 4/7, let him find the two pieces of 1/7 and 2/7 of gold bars;5 days, give him 1/7.6 and 2 days;7 days to give him back the 1/7.

11, it beats a person's intelligence and books

Answer: 1 + 2 +...+ n = n (n + 1) / 21 + 2 +...+ 61 = 1891, and plus any number for 20051 + 2 +...+ 62 = 19531 + 2 +...+ 63 = 20141953 < 2005 < = 52, 20142005-1953

12, for fear of arithmetic

Answer: the first is roughly draw a road map, people can find the route as snail shells, the final destination must be in the starting point of southwest, so can use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the journey.You draw the first 3 ring (12), you can find the rule: 3 ring end from the starting point of the journey with the Pythagorean theorem, the horizontal circle 1 of the right-angle side length of horizontal distance difference of horizontal distance difference + 3 + 2 circle of horizontal distance difference, namely (third journey - first journey) + (seventh journey - fifth distance) + (11th journey - ninth road), vertical, the total distance is (fourth journey - second journey) + (eighth journey - sixth journey) + (12th journey - 10th road).So and so on, complete 40 trips, need respectively to the (39th journey - 37 times distance) and distance (40 times - 38 times distance).Because of the NTH path for n ^ 2/2, so the horizontal Angle for 1/2 length (7 ^ 1 ^ 2 + 3 ^ 2-2-5 11 ^ ^ 2 + 2-9 ^ 2 +......+ 39 ^ 2-37 ^ 2), vertical rectangular for 1/2 length (2 ^ 2 + 4 ^ 2-8 ^ 2-6 ^ 2 +......+ 40 ^ 2-38 ^ 2).Have not learned the sequence in the countries, so this pile of count himself.But there is a rule, is each will take more than before a 16, two sides are the same.I help you calculate the transverse right-angle side length is 400, longitudinal is 420, the hypotenuse length (that is, the desires of from start to finish) to 580 (MPH).

13, the easiest way to make simple question in the big head

Answer: 6/7 of the distance from Beijing to guangzhou

14, intelligence test: where was a dollar

Answer: this question is very simple, actually is three passengers will consider the condition of chaos.In fact, the boss has 25 yuan, the waiter hid 2 yuan, passenger 1 yuan per person, which is 25 + 2 + 1 * 3 = 30 just 30 yuan.

15 and brainpower in living things

Answer: can't simply think he deserve 5 yuan, wang li earned $4.Do not add analysis and take it for granted things often make a mistake.Should know that 2 wang two household work, in addition to help zhang outdoors, as well as their own task.It is obvious that every work for 3 hours.Help Zhang Gan for 2 hours, wang li help Zhang Gan for 1 hour, the king to help zhang's workload is 2 times to help zhang li, are of course the reward should be 2 times of li.As a result, the king deserve 6 yuan, li due to 3 yuan.

16 and simple intelligence and overwhelm you

Answer: no solution to this problem.Because every time two, but three possibilities: first, every time the two buckle the cap turn up, this cap the number of upward increase 2, by adding an even number of;Second, will be a button to turn up, will be an upward turn down again, so don't change up cap, even, still keep an even number;Third, the two up cap turn down, such upward to cap the number of reduce 2, still keep up number is an even number.So no matter adopt what kind of upside down during method, all can't change up cap in the case of an even number so this topic no solution.

17, small ant test your wisdom

Answer: at least 11 seconds, the longest 24 seconds

18, many companies prefer simple interview question

Answer: at first glance appear to have differences, not similarities.In fact, as long as you are good at finding in common or many, this is a very useful ability.Cite a few examples: (1) are all Arabic numerals (2) are 4 digits (3) is a positive number (4) is an integer (5) the difference between two number are equal.

19, unnerving to find errors

Answer: the two errors are: (1) the back of the "find" in the title.(2) behind the "obvious".What if you want to made the "wrong" not to be found, can find is only "wrong" two words.

20 so, three little penguins, you stumble

Answer a: lying on the ground in the middle of the penguins, around not just don't have any brothers?In addition to the head at the foot of each one, is not around.

Answer 2: in one line, two face the same direction, before and after the middle side will be eligible.

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