Genius will dare to do IQ tests

Genius will dare to do IQ tests

An intellectual ordinary people, will be able to get a good education, IQ test do more at ordinary times, to some extent, for intelligence development must be cadbury and harmless.Twenty questions below test, hurry to try!

【 title 】

1, the multinational companies prefer the interview questions

Now, xiao Ming a across a bridge, cross the bridge when is night, so there must be a lamp.Now, xiao Ming across the bridge to 1 second, xiao Ming's brother is going to 3 seconds, xiao Ming's father to 6 seconds, xiao Ming's mother for 8 seconds, xiao Ming's grandpa to 12 seconds.Every time the bridge can have up to two people, and speed depends on the most ManZhe bridge crossing the bridge, and light 30 seconds after the light will go out.Ask xiao Ming a bridge?

2, make you a head two big arithmetic

Four couple sit together, chatting, small and medium-sized eat three pears, four women eat two small jade, eat four small fang, located had one.Four men, the better to eat pears and his wife, xiangyang ate his wife 2 times, ZhongMin eat 3 times that of his wife, Wen Jia eat is four times that of his wife, they had 32 pear.Do you know who ZhongMin wife is?Reasons not to blind oh.

3, the ancient Indian interesting math problem

In ancient India also like the ancient Chinese have the splendid culture.The following is a interesting math problem in ancient India manuscript.

A swarm of bees, one 5 of them fall on the azaleas, a third on the gardenia, three times the difference of the two flew to Chinese rose, the last remaining a little bee flying between the fragrance of jasmine and magnolia, a total of several bee?

Genius will dare to do IQ tests _ psychological tests

4, apple IQ test

Ten baskets of apples, there are ten in each basket, a total of 100, the weight of each basket of apples are the same, there are nine baskets of each apple's weight is 1 kg, the other a basket in each apple's weight is 0.9 kg, but looks exactly the same, with see or touch can't distinguish by hand.Now want you to use a typical large scale once the basket of light weight.You can do it?

5, elementary mathematical olympiad primary challenge

After the box number, in the first box apple to come up with a, the second box take two, the third box with three, and so on, all together out of apple, according to 0.1 is the first box apple weight less, less is the second box weight 0.2, 0.3 is the third box weight less, and so on.

6, halo around your strange city problem

Live in a strange city, the city side good guys, bad guys live side, the gate there is a person standing guard around each, one of which is a good man, is a liar, good people always tell the truth, a liar always lying.A man to the gate, forget which side is a good man, if asked the wrong person, will go to cheat live, meat.He supposed to do?

7, you will not necessarily little things of life

Give you two barrels.Capacity of 3 and 5 litres respectively, at the same time, there are a lot of water.How do you measure exactly 4 litres of water?

8, you can catch up with the farmer's IQ

The farmer's village there are 50 people, everyone has a home of poultry.Come back one day, the farmer got a message: the village there are birds have to infectious diseases.Need to poultry villagers watch once a day, but each person can only observe other people's 49 birds is ill, you couldn't see their poultry.When determine their home poultry was a disease, must shoot sick poultry for the village poultry survival, but each person only power shot their poultry.The first day, the farmer no shots;The next day, still no gunfire.On the third day, heard the gunshots.At that moment, the farmer to know a few sick poultry in the village.Excuse me, do you know there are a few only?

9, the civil service examination questions of dog chaseThe rabbit

The dog went after a rabbit, 9 meters in front of the dog.The dog run 5 step distance and distance apart is exactly equal to the length of run step 9.But the frequency of the rabbit ran fast.The same time, the dog run two step run 3 step.Ask how many meters running after the dog can catch up with?What is your idea?

10, if you are the boss, let the workers work for you, 7 days to return is a gold bar workers.Metal bar divide into connected 7 section, you must be at the end of the day to give them a gold bars.Now when you put the metal bar broken twice, how do you give your workers pay?

11, it beats a person's intelligence and books

Number the pages of a book for 1 to n.Each page number of the book accumulation, have a put a page number is wrong, as a result, the income of the wrong, and for 2005.Then add a page must be 52.Why is that?

12, for fear of arithmetic

An election, a candidate at home arranged campaign trip, we might as well set him by plane.He to due east somewhere on the first day, the second day then fly to somewhere due north direction, the third day, then fly to somewhere in the direction of illicit affair, the fourth day then fly to somewhere toward the south, 5 days then fly to somewhere in the direction of east...If n days the n2/2 miles to his flight, so from his starting point to complete the end of the day trip has __________ 40 miles.

13, the easiest way to make simple question in the big head

There's a train leaving Beijing at a speed of 15 km per hour to guangzhou, at the same time another train, about 20 km per hour speed train from guangzhou to Beijing.If there is a bird, at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour and two trains start at the same time, from Beijing, hit the other car and then return to fly back in the opposite direction, so in order to fly back and forth between the two trains, until the two trains met.Excuse me, how long distance flight with the bird?

14, intelligence test: where was a dollar

Three people live hotel pay 30 yuan, the manager back $5, the waiter to hide from the 2 dollars, give a dollar per person.Evening, one of the passengers told the waiter hides after 2 yuan, and companion thinking: three people get 1 yuan each, namely 3 x (10 to 1), plus the waiter that is 29 RMB 2 yuan, but they gave 30 yuan!Where did you know that 1 yuan to?

15 and brainpower in living things

Have a heap of rubbish, which set to trump lee three households to clear.Zhang because couldn't make out, left nine yuan do services fee.The king got up early in the morning for 5 hours, li family then do for 4 hours just finished in the afternoon.Asked the king and li households should be how to allocate the nine yuan?

16 and simple intelligence and overwhelm you

Nine JiuPingGai buckle on the table, turn over the two at a time, not much, also cannot little.How many times but the number of times unlimited, flip cover all up?

17, small ant test your wisdom

Have a fine wooden 27 cm, in 3 cm, 7 cm, 11 cm, 17 cm, 23 cm these five positions each have an ant.Wood is very fine, can't at the same time by two ant.At the start of the ant's head towards the left or the right is arbitrary, they will only move forward or back, but you don't back.When any two ants meet, two ants will head off in the opposite direction at the same time.Assuming that the ants can walk a centimeter per second.Q: all the ants leave wooden poles, the minimum and maximum time respectively is how much?

18, many companies prefer simple interview question

Good at to find similarities and differences and internal relations of things, to discover the law of development of things, is to do a good job of any research should have the basic qualities and conditions.Please look for them, the following two Numbers have a few similarities.What are respectively?

19, unnerving to find errors

You can see the problem is, itself has two places have obvious errors, but you may look not to come out, need to check carefully, find don't go to bed.

20 so, three little penguins, you stumble

After three penguins, the former side by side in the same ice.

Before a said: "two elder brothers behind me."

After a said: "two elder brothers in front of me."

It is strange that the middle said: "never before and after the elder brothers!"

Q: why is this?

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