You lay particular stress on using the left brain or brain?

For most people, the left hemisphere to analyze, and function in the form of order and logic, this part of the brain controls language, academic research, and rational.On the contrary, the brain's right hemisphere is in charge of the creativity and intuition, for instance, the birth of the works of art, and music is dependent on the part of the brain function.The following test can help you know yourself is partial left brain or right half of the brain, or you're very lucky, achieved a balance between the two pieces of hemisphere.The test will also help you know the advantages and disadvantages of bias on one side of the brain.

1, to what extent do you rely on your intuition?

A and B very strongly, is not very strong, although I sometimes follow the feeling

C, almost no, because I believe that more rational and logical

2, how often do you worry about the way we treat the earth?

Often A, B, C, occasionally there is almost no

3, on time is important to you?

A and B is not important, more important C, is very important

4, do you often do some inexplicable dream?

Often A, B, C, rarely or never once in A while

5, which one of the most likely to anger you?

Rude rules and regulations of A, B and C, incompetence

6, about retirement, which one is your most concerned about?

A, about retirement, there is no let me worry about

B, may be gradually grow old, the body is no longer as good as they once were

C, I feel bored, because nothing can do in your leisure time

7, which one of the following is the most attractive for you?

A, to be able to do something I enjoy doing B, have A happy family life

C, to success in the industry I choose

8, you doodled on often?

Often A, B, C, rarely occasionally

9, which of the following words is the best description of you?

A and B complex, content of C, shrewd

10, which of the following words is the best description of you?

A, quiet, gentle, wise resilience B C, pragmatic

11, do you think sometimes provocation is the necessary means to solve the problem?

A and B under any circumstances are not correct, maybe in very special circumstances

C, yes

12, if you spent most of his career energy?

A, no

B, I really attaches great importance to your career, but in addition I also spent a lot of time on things they are interested in

C, yes, I think of myself as I do in the industry experts, and occupying most of my time and energy

13, when you need to make major decisions, how do you like?

To A, B, and close to people to discuss and agree on

C, consult experts

14, which of the following words is the best description of you?

A, emotional, decisive B C, aggressive

15, the following three options, which one do you think is the best course in the school?

A, such as art or metal technology practice practice lessons

B, sports

C, mathematics

16, which one of the following is the best description to you?

A, curious, very organized, C, B of seriousness

17, whether you like make goals and stick to strive to achieve it?

A, no, I like the way I feel to go to work in good condition

B, I sometimes like to develop and implement plans, but will be in accordance with the more flexible approach

C, yes, because this is the best way to do things

18, how often do you get inspiration, or new ideas, and even let your brain can't stop, until you put these ideas into practice?

Often A, B, C, rarely or never once in A while

19, if you have lots of free time now, which one of the following activities can attract you most?

A, do some creative work, such as painting or sculpture

B, do some sports activities, such as playing golf or bowling

C, join a health club in order to allow yourself to keep a good figure

Below 20, which is one of the most let you surprised?

A, such as the grand canyon nature miracle

B, such as the taj mahal human masterpiece

C, such as great singer pavarotti or placido Domingo

21, do you most admire which of the following?

A, birds fly B, cheetahs run speed and graceful posture

C, a lion's strength and courage

22, when sitting downThe testWhen you find which one the hardest thing to do?

A, concentrate on the test and after inspection

B, overcome nervousness ahead of time

C, don't worry about whether I can get good grades

23, which of the following is a summary of your best?

A and B to rebel against old traditions, wise, patient, C

24, you are saying "to do too much and too little time" view is?

A, I agree, and sometimes will feel very frustrated

B, I admit that there are many things I want to do but have no time to do, but I wouldn't worry or frustration

C, I haven't considered this problem

25, which of the following statement best represents the views on you to make a mistake?

A, making mistakes is part of life, and is very important, because we can learn from their mistakes

B, the man who makes no mistakes is those who do nothing, and this is the biggest mistake

C, we all make mistakes, but in life, success belongs to those who make mistakes at least

26, whether you find it difficult to continue to do a project for a long time, and don't stop to do other things in the middle?

A, yes, sometimes it is C B, usually not the case

27, choosing a holiday spot, which of the following you value the most?

The beautiful scenery of A, B, sun, sea and sand

C, exciting nightlife

28, which one do you think the following words is most suitable for you?

A, visionaries, firm C B, well organized

29, when the need for important files to be archived, you are very well organized?

A, there just isn't much method, fairly well organized C B, very well organized

30, how others do you like best describe you?

A, full of imagination and innovation consciousness, kind, healthy C B, trustworthy and reliable

Choose A 2 points, choose B + 1, choose C don't score, finally calculate score.

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