Your IQ in the strike

Your IQ in the strike

Do you want to know his own IQ why the strike?Want to know more about the answer, will quickly test!

【 title 】

Fell in love with you for six years, suddenly ask you put forward to break up, to do this, you feel very sad.You begged hard give you a reason to each other, each other finally tell you the truth, he said: "actually I am not a human, I am a angel.Fell in love with you these six years, I really want to tell you the truth, but don't know how to tell the truth to you.Tomorrow, I will leave the earth, and never come back here.So, I have to break up with you."Listen to the lover, do you know you break up is the only end the relationship.

Lovers before we leave, you want to say a word to him.What would you say to him?

1. I go to heaven after death for you

2. I hate you, hate you didn't tell me the truth earlier

3. I will forget you, and live well

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Your IQ _ why strike psychological tests

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