You lay particular stress on using the left brain or brain?(2)

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30 points below: like most people in this world, you are left brain dominant man.

Lay particular stress on left brain people tend to accept from part to whole, also is the way of linear) to process information.

Left brain also tend to order (not in any order) to deal with things, thus lay particular stress on left brain may be a good accountant or planners.In addition, spelling may also be a strengths lay particular stress on the left brain, because the spell is associated with the order.On the left brain are more likely to become an expert in their industry.

For lay particular stress on left brain, draw lessons from certain right way of thinking may be very useful, especially for the development of creative thinking ability and intuition.

30 ~ 47 points: you are a good balance between the left and right hemisphere, without too much emphasis on one side.Although this is a very good advantage, but this is not a reason to make you feel happy.

Balanced a shortcoming in the brain, you more easily than to one side of the brain is heavily internal conflict.Sometimes, this conflict between what you think and feel, and may involve the way you handle problems and explain information.

On the positive side, has the advantages of balanced brain is that when you to solve the problem, you can conceive the big picture of things at the same time and details.Architects, for example, if you want to turn their ideas into workable reality, it must strike a balance between creativity and logic, and details.

To have a balanced model of the brain, owing to the great flexibility of their thinking, they have a natural ability and advantage, can succeed in many fields.

When the two hemispheres of the brain, in the form of balance work, learning and thinking process can be strengthened.

48 ~ 60 points: your score indicates that you are a man on the right hemisphere.We are part of the brain's right hemisphere is used to control spatial ability, artistic expression, creative thinking, the internal consciousness and many subconsciously thinking and emotional responses.

Right hemisphere is perceptual hemispheres, imagination and conception on it from the whole thing.In other words, you tend to see the big picture, instead of trivial details.Also, the right hemisphere is responsible for many individual pieces into a whole image, at the same time let's have dreams, ideas and concepts.

As a man on the right hemisphere, you might like art and music.Thanks to your right hemisphere dominant, you might prefer to learn by subconscious or creative ways, produces a kind of emotional reactions to situations, rather than precise logical analysis.In many cases, you can easily get the right answer, although you are not sure the answer is how to achieve, that is why focuses on intuition to the right hemisphere of the people is so important.

Duke of zhou interpretst

Right hemisphere controls the left half of the body, on the contrary, the left hemisphere control the right parts of the body.

Although some people heavily biased towards one hemisphere of the brain, but this doesn't mean that they dominated in the hemisphere all ability on the dominant, because no one is completely make use of the left or right hemisphere of the brain.

For every one of us, the two hemispheres of the brain is quite important.For example, in order to support the whole of the brain function, logic and intuition is equally important.But, in general, especially since the arrival of specialization, focus on the development of western education system is left brain analysis ability, result in loss of the right hemisphere creativity as a price.

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