Wu xiang 2016 zodiac chart (4)
Ten, zodiac for chicken.
Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016rooster的來說,今年吉星尚可,凶星稍弱,整體運勢處於平穩的狀態,做事大多會有虎頭蛇尾的情況,偶爾能夠有所小成,阻滯會有,但波動影響不大,會隨著時間的推移而有所消化,處理事物的能力會有下降,應對上也會較為被動,機遇較多,但難於把握,會有突然多個機遇同時出現的狀況,會有無從下手之感,也因此會與很多機遇失之交臂,偶有驚喜的事情發生,遭遇的瓶頸能夠按部就班的逐步解決,若實在無法調停,或可直接放棄後,而從另一個角度輕鬆著手,新的計畫和方案實施起來會有掣肘的情況,甚至還會有擱淺破滅的狀況,往往都是先易後難的局面,或可是自身能力的不足,也或可是條件還不具備,適宜順勢而為,逆勢的努力雖然能夠有一定的起色,但最終依然是鏡中觀月而不可得,做事宜小不宜大,不宜考慮太多的變化和創新,以免淪為紙上談兵的空想,甚至還會因糾纏不清而引起節外生枝,很難在競爭的環境中拔得頭籌,且還會衍生出較多的是非紛擾,甚至會有被他人掠取勞動成果的擔憂,提早防備,以免措手不及,需要考慮如何以巧謀事,可考慮變換處理的方式,想收穫的多,必然需要耐心的播種和努力的耕作,雖然奔忙勞碌難免,眼前收穫的希望渺茫,但能夠為以後打下有利的基礎和鋪墊,宜穩中進取,不宜盲目冒進的追求過高,適宜耐性而為的做好現有工作,穩固中求得進展;Suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, but not for a long time staying out, it's easy to have a situation and changeable emergency;Good interpersonal relationship, can get people to promote and guide, as well as part of the revenues of cooperation, is suitable for elders with the leader more contact, or can be improved, therefore, in case of any problem, can seek interests, with the help of another man's force if cooperation and seek common development with people, will be has the potential of the icing on the cake, also can be obtained in the weakness of embarrassment, and things will have different, but as far as possible to listen to the opinions of others and the way, avoid opinionated headstrong, SIMS are inevitable, carefully the interests of the competition field, will have an effect, with the interests of blocked there would be much ado about nothing, even need to speak to face to solve, a pre-emptive strike, in order to avoid the rot, excessive laissez-faire will only give legacy after evil, his destruction carefully, avoid involving others things, lest because the problem of their own ability to make the result more bad, later fell real instead, sudden personnel situation is relatively most worries, depending on its size make countermeasures, can put small things, things need to be settled as soon as possible, easy to be misunderstanding, cautious because of envy others, and is pushed to the forefront;This need for yourself, for those routes, suitable to take the way of cooperation, with the help of another man's development, otherwise only appropriate to secure the transition;Swan bearer to periodically, and can be assisted by others, their feet on the ground can be steady climb, under the conditions of hysteresis can also be relatively smooth transition, avoid involving the interests of others, lest there will be a dispute drag implicate, the weak it is difficult to have a big progress, will waste time in waiting, and lose more promotion, but is still a relatively smooth, reduce changes, to stabilize the situation is given priority to, too much change will only lead to difficult to control the situation;Health is good, need to pay attention to the nervous system, the problem such as chronic diseases such as heart disease, old disease will be better, as long as timely treatment, can rapidly improve, cautious lotus flower fall out broken, cautious fetus during pregnancy women.
Eleven, zodiac for dogs.
Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016Belong to the dog的來說,今年凶星暗淡,吉星也不多,整體運勢屬於波動轉升的狀態,同時也是處於由低谷逐步開始的上升期中,情緒較好,雖然前進的路上會有絆腳石,但在付出辛苦過後,便可把攔路的絆腳石轉變成前進路上的基石,稍有勞心吃力的情況,階段性的能有所成,在低谷的狀態中也能平穩的過渡,能夠得到領導貴人的提攜,適當配合領導上司的需要,盡力發揮所長,展現自身實力,若能在現有基礎上發揮出色,勢必能有加薪進祿之望,做好儘可能的突破和進展,適宜多考慮地利等方面的因素,需要以更加精準的目光審時度勢,恰逢機遇則果斷介入,切莫拖延時間的等待觀察,觀望或許是失去時機的開始,隻身奮戰恐怕不足以克難而上,新的計畫和方案在初期發展較好,後續則不是一己之力所能為的,以免後繼無力中,再次遭逢突如其來的轉折與滯迫,反而是英雄沒當成反而成炮灰,適宜選用合作的方式處理複雜的事情,充分發揮自身的能動性,積極的應對所遇到的各種狀況,發揮一下螞蟻啃大象的精神,團結與自己目標一致的,共同取得較大的成功,固有的瓶頸需要採用不破不立的方式解決為好,適當的逆勢而為或採取跳躍式的思維方式,跨行業或跨領域的介入,也是比較有利的,但同樣不能盲目,避免在競爭激烈的環境下徒勞;Suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, especially for overseas immigrants or a foreign land, although the delay is inevitable and broken condition such as consumption, but they are still not do more harm than good.Can gain better interpersonal relationships, people's help, appropriate climbing is also good, if can seek help from the senior managers, or many more smoothly, the icing on the cake of rare, it is urgently needed more, but need to take the initiative to seek help for good, passive to wait for others to help little success, at the same time to avoid offend people by opinionated, otherwise it will make originally will be transformed into their own, but, even at the time of cooperation, also need to trust each other, differences and misunderstanding, don't let your breath quickly, easy to suffer little block wall, it's hard to face to solve, need to take, or can be mediated by others and interpretation, avoid bad mouth, every transaction need more tolerance and alert, and to preserve our sanity, or can consider to use time to gradually fade out as well, avoid involving the interests of others, they will never strong, lest someone because of envy and hate, do not easily promised to others, lest faithless, unable to meet the favourable conditions of cooperation, can accomplish common unthinkable results, a hysteresis, also need to encourage each other, so that they can better hand in hand;This year need to seize the moment, follow the rhythm, industrious, appropriate with a proactive attitude to the leadership, never slack, properly with the aid of others strength to fulfill myself.Swan bearer to progress with the help of others and pick up, as long as to slightly positive, can succeed in the new opportunities, so-called force less than not, the gains, after the labor are generally able to smooth transition, carrying the weak will have the status of the mountain looked at mountain high, give priority to with practical need, need to alert the impact of an emergency, avoid involving the interests of others, create a pattern should not be alone, for the partnership for development;Health is bad, need to pay attention to sudden illness, the old disease relapse, skin diseases and infectious diseases, such as problems, sometimes there will be a turn heavy disease, deterioration of the wound, guard against all sorts of health concerns, the appropriate do some check for good, careful production of pregnancy women.
Twelve, zodiac is pig.
Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016Is a pig的來說,今年沖犯太歲,吉凶星周流輪動,整體運勢起伏不穩,做事很難有突破性的進展,以維持穩定的現狀為主線,適當考慮創新,時運的起落波動限制了進一步的拓展空間,切莫做逆勢的努力,以免辛勞過後只是鏡中花,亦或是徒勞了自己,成就了他人,新的計畫和方案會有中途擱淺的狀況,會因條件不足而出現停滯,無法大跨步的前進,後續的進展也是蹉跎難進,避免太過個人主義,適當的聽取他人意見,有助於更客觀的看待事情,遇到的瓶頸則較難突破,尤其是需要長久施行的項目,需要細細衡量,看似很好的契機出現,但並非能夠因此受益,恐有水中撈月之象,謹慎競爭之下的挫敗,處理事情容易偏激武斷,雖然有一定的魄力和權威,但很難得遇較好的時機,即便有他人的提點相助,也很難輕鬆的取得成功,適宜以巧謀事,謹慎迷惘而不知所措的階段,偶爾會因焦躁的情緒而意氣用事,過於激進的做法未必能夠有成,僅因一時的衝動是很難看到結果的,付出的辛苦不一定能夠獲得回報,即便花費了很大的心思,也難得到應有的收穫,莫要貪圖大利,切不可報過高的希望,只求維穩過渡,需要以平和的心境面對,做到臨危不亂,相信雨過便會天晴,適宜考慮創新或跳躍式的思維方式,打破現有局限,多角度的從新布局,切勿自困愁城,適當考慮借勢而為,謀求共同的發展,或可能有一線轉機;Not suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, although can get some benefits, but with stress and fatigue is doubled;Interpersonal relationship is good or bad, did not highlight the noble, also won't because of the support of others to benefit, even want to people, it is hard to get to help out, more is only verbal support, can only say that with the help of others, to gain, but if the time waste, and it is hard to get the help, even someone is beside the point, perhaps just idle to conversation, requires the careful choice, but to avoid it to offend people, should depend on own strength to solve the problem, more conducive to communicate more work, easy to conflict with people or attack, always try to walk away, don't because of a breath into scourge, small doll, but you don't have to face the conflict, more are involve, tend to push down the wall all cases more highlights, averse will also be friends, or will appear the original good friends to turn the situation of the passers-by, do not easily promised to others, so as not to incur resentment and blame, is far away from the circle, avoid involvement in prosperous, even through the team cooperation to seek common development, will inevitably be also different opinions or position, do not stubborn;Avoid radical way this year, as the main line, in the form of plain do our job, conformism, avoid unrealistic fantasy, along with the party is round;Prosperous person to gradually resolve the dilemma of obstacles, don't consider the inherent way, can a multi-angle looking for identifing, suitable to man opportunely, requires concentration and patience, work hard, do not strong, it is only appropriate to preserve our sanity, beware of being framed, challenged the weak stretch, encounters the bottleneck of it can be difficult to cross, ability is fair, but opportunity late, reality is skinny, don't expect too much, so as to avoid false living things, more appropriate to listen to others;Health, need to pay attention to the cardiovascular, digestive system diseases with no sigh of heart and renal failure problems, such as skin diseases are deteriorating situation carefully, carefully agitated or disease caused by emotional problems brought by the sudden.
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