Wu xiang 2016 zodiac chart

Wu xiang 2016 zodiac chart _ zodiac chart

A, zodiac for rat:

Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016Belong to the ratThe hard to avoid, onstar note according to this year, although there is still a dark star, but after all is weak, overview is relatively good, belong to gradually rise, even if occasionally is inevitably an adverse situation, but also can gradually turned the corner and turn up the fortunes will not change, can have a good career in business opportunities, there will be progress and breakthrough in the original on the basis of further ascension, more can gradually carry out the plan and scheme, midway delay or will have, need appropriate persistence, and patience in the face of new opportunities and challenges, don't aim high, early will have a blind man, need to be from time to time, if it is not familiar with the direction of, is not too try to be brave, lest appear obstacles, instead, but increase the worry, not appropriate too jump break the routine, lest appear the situation of control, it is not recommended to do efforts to buck the trend, as long as the ants play an elephant "kung fu, can materialise, step by step in the process of competition breakthrough, suitable to face actively, courage to take active strategy, don't miss the good opportunity, careful there will be others take the fruits of labor, in order to avoid after the hard work it was in vain, can say to a certain extent, seeks the issues to consider how to innovation breakthrough, in order to further development, or to stop some unnecessary things, focus on new directions, in unfavorable situation, put aside contradiction is a better treatment method, consider the time to resolve, appropriate to other more meaningful things for more time, contractual agreements, etc need to pay attention to details;Not suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, even inevitable, also shoulds not be too many or too long, can have a travel mug, delay errors such as condition;Elder boss the leadership of the interpersonal relationship, can get support and highly, can play its ability to borrow, or can benefit very much, so, whether it is in the process of progress, or at the time of trouble, can proper climbing, use the power of the people to seek development, but also to avoid too much individualism, in case of being isolated and lonely at the top, the appropriate increase in social interaction, how to participate in the party and so on, to be able to get more help, but avoid involving others, lest by his own power, and influence the interests of others, but so were look down upon, there will be a little of invasion, and often appear along with the produce of the emergency, need to deal with in time, I have turned the corner by the noble animal, their efforts are essential, otherwise there will be be others stealing the fruits of labor, the appropriate to take, can avoid much ado about nothing, not suitable to take the way of cooperation for development, in order to avoid competing rob work condition, avoid the status of the boat, the more variables, the more trouble, more or on their own as well;Need to face actively, this year should not be wasted, more need to grasp the opportunity and struggle hard to expand, with the help of others, seek the development of the breakthrough;Swan bearer can play their own ability, grasp the opportunity, to develop a new direction, a bit sluggish, try to, put a stumbling block into a cornerstone of way, caution or avoid the cooperation, beware of competitors eyeing up to oneself, easy for blocking the weak heart of retreat, or relaxed in waves, momentum is insufficient, do things slow, difficult to dacheng, in efforts to buck the trend on mutual shuffle, avoid isolated situation, listening to the opinions and Suggestions of others;Well health, need to pay attention to, or will increase the risk of minor illness, cautious disease, immune system problems, rheumatism bone disease, stroke, pregnant women from urban carefully, but also must pay attention to the neurological problems caused by the depression and bitterness.

Second, the Chinese zodiac for cattle:

Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016Belong to cow的來說,今年吉凶星參半,整體運勢稍欠,起伏的波動會有,但落差幅度不會太大,遲滯的狀況也會有,需要經過一番辛苦努力,才能獲取向上的態勢,很難輕鬆的獲得成功,需要時常添補旺氣為好,做事的動力不足,需要有人在旁督促,即便是在他人的輔助合作下,也需要花費心力,可謂是事倍功半,新的計畫和方案需要從新思考和抉擇,會有較多不切實際或無法落實的成分,若直接施行,則會有中途受阻的狀況,機遇會有,且會因他人而獲得一定的契機,面對新事情容易有很強的信心和鬥志,會有敢於衝鋒陷陣的冒險精神,但會因為某些突如其來的變故,反而逐漸被消磨了鬥志,總之,很難全身心的投入其中,逆勢而為尚且需要加倍辛苦方能有成,順勢而為則更難收穫,比較適合在領導長輩上司的指點下求取成功,適當執著認真的背水一戰,雖然難免蹉跎的過程,但還是能力挽狂瀾的,不要一味的被動等待,要儘可能的主動爭取,不要被不安的情緒所影響,以免猶豫躊躇之時,反而落於起伏不定之間,若能考慮藉助他人或團隊的力量,相對比較有利,即便出現懈怠之時,也能有人在旁督促鼓勁,積極做好互動,便能有利的拓展,勢必形成良性循環,即便孤身奮戰,也需要他人的全力輔助為好,避免因大踏步的前進而忽略細節,突飛猛進的考慮是不現實的,還是需要以保守的方式著手為好;Suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, and conducive to a foreign land for development, but don't delay the important things, take precautions against accidents and access security;Good interpersonal relationship, can get the help of others, but the premise is itself a certain effort, to have the certain achievement, people will have, but things have to appropriate and counterproductive, in obtaining positive help when the fruits of harvest is easy, to adverse instead is more help more busy, but no matter what need to actively cooperate with, don't consider enjoy privileges, need depending on the specific circumstances and the fortunes of the stage, is very conducive to cooperation, if you can use the power of others, is a very useful, as well as for others urged to improve enthusiasm, but they should not be opinionated, avoid divergence so, if cannot be avoided, is given priority to with more communication, seeking common ground while putting aside differences is the way to get along, there will be a small rock the opposite situation, I have a positive conflict, need time to calm, rational face, spite, midway ShiBan also occasionally have, don't be too highlight their own capabilities in usual, lest cause others to envy, if in team effectiveness, the opinions and Suggestions of others, should be appropriate reference, avoid to put all your eggs in one basket for personal development, so as to avoid being isolated;This year to do dependably, avoid the tower of Babel, spend more time on their hands on interpersonal relationship, the appropriate cooperate with others to fight for their own success, at the same time avoid covet, calculating from the stable development;Delivery man will be a swan, can harvest a lot because of people's help, though there are waste and block, but I still try my best to strive for good, as long as you don't blindly greed, step-by-step, also can be one step closer to success, luck the weak have stumbled, appropriate stability winning ways, after the persistent persistent efforts, pay of hard can also gains, need positive input, process will be slow down, don't rush, beware of creep calculation;Health is bad, need to pay attention to the respiratory system, heart, blood circulation and hair loss, skin diseases, low back pain and chronic diseases, such as stone overall sub-health state is more apparent, watch the old man ill, pregnant women need to be careful from eritrea.

Three, Chinese zodiac is tiger.

Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016A tiger的來說,今年沖犯太歲,且吉星勢弱,整體運勢起伏不穩,容易出現迷茫和阻滯,做事需要花費較多的心思,勞心費力,較為波折,積極性不高,很難有突破性的進展,新的計畫和方案會遭遇轉折,謹慎因中途掉環或節外生枝等情況,而致使過程進度停滯不前,偶爾會有過多問題交織出現的狀況,會有讓人難以抵擋之勢,雖然前期較為順利,或可還能有所進展,但後期並不能因此而鬆懈,雖然會有機遇出現,但很難把握,即便參與當中,或可僅是被動而已,不一定能夠獲益很多,時好時壞的狀態,反而更容易出現低谷,後續的進展則是路遠行舟困於止水,需要及時做好彌補修復,按部就班只會帶來停滯不前,並無太大的進展,需要在現有基礎上創新升華,遇到突發困難的時候,不要自困愁城,需要做好積極的應對,適當採用跳躍的思維方式,擺脫眼前的困擾,以免出現阻滯不利的影響,或形成起落無序的態勢,任何的懈怠都不要心存僥倖,偶爾放任自流的問題,或可成為今後的阻礙,甚至是遺小危大,反而更加難以處理,換個角度,啟用新的途徑重新來過,都是很好的方式,不要固守原地的執著糾結,大部分時間會有盲從之感,也很容易因誘惑而亂了陣腳,不要憑藉興趣衝動做事,否則奔勞一年,反而是動盪不寧,避免華而不實的功夫,減少損失則是前提,適宜做好本職工作,其他事情可適當的參與,切莫過多的投入;Not suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, a failure on the easy and block, and therefore will miss out on these opportunities, law-abiding, avoid punishment responsibility officer not;Interpersonal relationship is a bit poor, communication is easy to appear flaw, requires careful coordination and relatively close to their people and people, occasionally still can have the honor to get timely and full help, by the noble in the affirmative, or to give to a large extent, appropriate to rely on a still more benefit, but not too hope to rely on, in order to avoid will have hopes, or give priority to in order to play its ability, more popularity might be thwarted, more modest JinRen let, don't create trouble out of nothing, so as not to increase the worry, in the process of communication, it is easy to produce misunderstanding due to misunderstanding, or can also will offend others, if it is against the conscience to do things seriously, need not too care about others' opinion, mean person, as long as it doesn't happen very aggressive confrontation, there would be no too big effect, can consider to use the time to fade out contradictions, occasionally also can appear gossip, but each other between us can still relatively calm, don't be too hard on others at ordinary times, something he says, is it disconsolate, unfavorable partnership to do things, can ask for too much because of his stubbornness, and appear the situation of estrangement;To stick to work actively respond to this year, unfavorable place, by leaps and bounds of pursuing new and change, don't expect too much of others, rely on their own ability to get progress, always beware of sudden accident;Popular person in the new opportunities and opportunities, can with ease problems, but it is hard to have a big breakthrough, multi-angle go hand in hand, if the step-by-step conformism, it is hard to have a better development, the status of the shipment will be inundated with the weak, even turning a corner, cannot avoid 'shadow, after the hard BenLao fair uplift, need to reduce the loss, in the process of should not blindly follow the work involved in adverse circumstances, so as not to look forward to fanciful;Health fair, need to pay attention to rheumatism bone disease, neuropathic pain, such as urinary tract problems, such as cautious because of anxiety depression, go out to take precautions against accidents at fall bruising, etc, guard against weapon causing damage, pregnant women need care from eritrea.

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