Wu xiang 2016 zodiac chart (2)

Wu xiang 2016 zodiac chart (2)

Four, Chinese zodiac is rabbit.

Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016The rabbit的來說,今年吉凶星參半,凶星多些但勢小,雖有吉星扶持,但整體運勢還是屬於逐步走低的過程,需要時常增旺為好,新的計畫會有擱淺的情況,需要背水一戰,適當的逆勢而為,或可還能爭取一些機會,遭遇瓶頸問題,在努力爭取後,也能逐步得到緩解,能得逢機遇,但需要他人的鼎力相助,做事需要從基礎做起,保守的開展攻勢,或可能有部分的突破和進展,雖然能夠有一定的契機,但勢如破竹的突發異彩在本年不很現實,需要在保持現狀的狀況下,再做進一步的拓展,以免運弱的時期會有瓶頸產生,適宜在創新的方面下功夫,固步自封只會止步不前,只要能夠穩步向前,便能看到生機,或可還有傳名的機會,過程中難免會有節外生枝的情況,要學會衡量輕重取捨,避免著眼於小的問題,而忽略了大的方向,堅持執著,勇往直前的積極面對,或可能夠為以後打通一條路,面對機遇和挑戰,需要能夠有恆定的執著心,以免事後退悔,正所謂:力不到則不成,需要適當的藉助他人或團隊的力量來爭取發展,避免孤身奮戰,以便能夠儘早的拓展,在獲得一定進展後,一定要記得共享收穫的成果,這樣才能凝聚向心力,出現突髮狀況的時候,適宜採取以靜制動的處理方式,不要急於化解,先成就簡單的事情,疑難的則靠後處理,以求新求變作為突破點,但不要急於拓展,以免出現難以掌控的局面;Not suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, if unavoidable, setbacks are cautiously and trap deceived;Good interpersonal relationship, can have benefited get unexpected help, get leadership supervisor's support, and secure the blessing of occasionally, need to do more positive performance, play their own ability and the advantage, even if difficult to resolve the trouble, can someone help, can for the help of others, but their efforts cannot little, more conducive to cooperation, appropriate partnership development, avoid alone, lest make himself trapped in the wild, in the interactive to each other at the same time, try to cooperate with each other, so that they can better go forward hand in hand, can be appropriate to consider the way cooperation and benefit sharing to create a situation, or can be achieved the success of the stage, in their own ability and situation, the appropriate help from others, also can bring certain mutually beneficial to the future, doesn't mean person, though with occasional personnel resistance problem, but maybe not for myself, maybe it's just for the handling of inertia of the facts, not the person don't spend too much idea to deal with, can again or a different way, even if do not agree with their position, is also a special cause, is not necessarily a man of substance, as long as you properly deal with before;This guitar need proper regiment strength to support itself, through the efforts of the team to get progress, innovation change is the main body, conformism will only waste time;Flourishing bearer will be for their help, or a team into a somewhat, can expand the channel from the Angle of innovation, behind the new opportunities also need hard into, carefully deal with the relationship with others, although the weak overall is good, but do not take on too much, hestitating will only miss opportunity, although can get the help of others, but own efforts is the key to gain achievement, is wary of ups and downs unstable fortunes, big deal from the beginning to;Health is a bit poor, vulnerable to disease, stalking, cautious sick turn danger, need to pay attention to blood pressure, diabetes complications, skin diseases such as heart problems, access security carefully, lest vans fall in the Marine insurance, such as the lotus flower bruised.

Five, the Chinese zodiac is dragon:

Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016Belong to the dragon的來說,今年吉星有利,凶星不多,整體運勢稍好,能夠充分發揮自身的優勢,有積極向上的心態,工作上能夠把握一定的成敗,在事情的抉擇能力上能夠充分把握機遇,且有一定的話語權,做事能夠細緻入微,凡事均可事半功倍,比較適宜採取積極進取的策略,需要有敢於拼搏的精神,同時能夠帶來強勁的運勢,新的計畫和方案能夠得以落實,在時機還不成熟的階段,可以先考慮紙上談兵,論證充分後,再積極實施,有利於增強動力和信心,中途的節外生枝並不一定是阻滯,或可是新的機遇,但不可草率處理,適宜順勢而為隨方就圓的方式,但並不是要隨波逐流,腳踏實地的穩紮穩打,起落有序的逐步施行,都能為前進的步伐打下良好的基礎,不適宜過度的求新求變的方式,跨行業跨領域的方向不要輕易考慮,以免後勢出現不可控的局面,不要過於鋒芒畢露,適當的韜光隱晦,或可能夠減少很多麻煩,偶爾會有小幅的波折和暗涌,或可會挫傷士氣,但不要因遭受了一些打擊而耿耿於懷,發展的過程不都是一帆風順的,絆腳石也是可以成為前進路上的基石,需要有堅韌的耐心和持久的恆心,持續性的發揮自身能動力,雖然有些勞碌之感,但足以讓收穫的喜悅沖淡疲憊的精神,在值逢機遇時,積極介入,做好充分的前期準備,大膽的行事,不要過分的猶豫躊躇,以免錯失時機;Not suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, careful to avoid involved, need to be law-abiding, pronounce in the right direction for more;Interpersonal relationships well, noble is not much, but to help them more profit, can get leadership boss point, can under the help of good harvest a lot of, can when encountered bottleneck, seek help from others, have enough confidence in myself, even if encounter other people don't understand, also want to put all your eggs in one basket appropriate for once, don't expect everyone to get to know you, also need not too care about the opinions of others, is the so-called: ancient saints more lonely, with occasional block is also normal, doesn't mean person, avoid involve sharpness too, that need to be alert to guard against, cut needs careful dating, accompanying the followers not only, and perhaps schemer, after don't hard work, but for others to be forgotten, and if willing, that is another matter, interpersonal disputes, need to face, do not bend, lest affect to expand, it will involve more vulnerable to competition, but also to meet the constraint of others, although all is not according to his intentional act, but, after all, a heap of trouble is appropriate in the form of team cooperation to seek their own development, the firewood is better than alone to ease, or can also receive unexpected progress;This year need to exert their own advantages and initiative, positive talent, avoid hesitating passive situation, to be able to travel light, make good bedding;The swan to comply to, in a block of time, to be able to find the breakthrough or a new opportunity, after the busy work hard can harvest the joy of success, new opportunities to the implementation of as soon as possible, avoid theory, so as to lay a better foundation in the future, the weak will have too much hope, too much disappointment, midway accident that would eventually become involve and annoyance, need stable mentality, don't expect too much, on track for those routes and stick to the existing state, is a better way;Health is good, need to be careful of the digestive system, urinary system, such as blood, recurrence of chronic diseases will happen, so long as emerge, go to a doctor as soon as possible, can cure or alleviate gradually, sometimes also can have a case of self-healing.

Six, zodiac is the snake.

Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016A snake的來說,今年沖犯太歲,吉星不多且勢弱,整體運勢處於反覆沉浮之中,做事能夠積極進取,有創新的能力,但遲滯的狀況難免,過程當中也容易遭遇羈絆,適宜按部就班的穩步前進,雖然不適宜太過激進的逆勢努力,但也不適宜守株待兔的順勢而為,需要直面應對,只要能夠做好強有力的持久戰,便能夠逐步平復過來,偶爾會出現節外生枝或錯亂無序的情況,不要過於盲目的執著,偶爾會有急功近利的想法,但有些事情即便著急上火的忙到頭,也可能只是空歡喜,機遇會有,但容易出現波動阻滯,暫時只適宜考慮穩健的方式,太過於張揚,或許會帶來較多的變化和不確定因素,還是要力求穩定踏實為好,新的計畫和方案不宜盲目施行,避免出現難以化解的瓶頸和措手不及的狀況,需要重新的審視和抉擇,雖然能夠有一定的化解之機,但往復蹉跎的波折會給事情帶來較多的麻煩,需要花費一番心思來拼搏一番,可以藉助他人之機來獲取一定的轉機,很難輕鬆的獲得成功,正所謂:水滴石穿,恆定持久的耐力才是成功的關鍵,只要付出的方向正確,總有苦盡甘來之時,不要心存僥倖之機,畢竟在天時方面不占先機,比較適宜從現有的起點出發,維持穩定的拓展,不宜謀求跨行跨領域的方向,以免出現蹇滯阻隔的情況,即便保持現有狀態,辛苦之後,也是收穫平平;Suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, can use groups to go out to expand your social circle, at the same time can also be appropriate to increase their own vitality.Interpersonal relationship is a bit poor, don't hope for others' help, the more trust in their own power for good, is noble, but not every time I can get help, at the same time also need careful there will be less, with the help of others, may be able to solve some block, even the opportunity to profit, but not all of them are too absolute to bet on, in order to avoid disappointment, also can seek help from others, but don't expect too much, is suitable to make detailed plans, if you can help others is better, if it doesn't matter that can't help you, avoid to be fobbed off, instead more embarrassing, SIMS, is there will be, and there will be a positive argument, need to avoid tolerance, temporarily don't entwine, avoid cut hard also trouble, don't involve too much of others, in order to avoid problems because of its ability, making others look down on yourself, affected by gossip, avoid bitterness with people, do a taiping gentleman is also quite good, stay calm, rational face, should not be consider to cooperate with others to seek development, or but for others to be forgotten;This year need to stability and progress, serious face, play a lasting endurance and resilience, random strain, more is to strive to stable transition;Swan bearer ability to help with the others and get the opportunity, but after all, their own fortunes rise and fall repeatedly, sluggish pass hard, don't expect too much, to grasp the stability, too close, avoid interpersonal disputes, the weak need to be shipped from time to time, to avoid futile effort, not suitable for develop a new direction, do a good job, existing bottlenecks, don't solving independently, or best intends to seek help, how to plan, fewer change;Health is a bit poor, need to pay attention to vitamin deficiency, neuropathic pain, reproductive system and problems, such as blood diseases caused by emotions don't occasionally shu also need proper adjustment, pregnant women careful steady tire.

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