Wu xiang 2016 zodiac chart (3)
Seven, zodiac as a horse.
Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016Belong to the horse的來說,今年凶星漸弱,吉星相對較旺,整體運勢處於階段性的向好狀態,做事能夠有一定的進展,呈現小幅上升的狀態,能夠充分的發揮自身優勢,或可能夠在某些方面有所凸顯,阻滯糾纏難免,成事也不是一蹴而就的,努力大費周章過後,尚可能夠有所成,新的計畫和方案會有複雜多變的情況,稍有迷茫之感,需要以多次嘗試為主,只要想到了,就要認真的實踐,有時孤注一擲的拼搏也是能夠有所成的,未必能夠得到所有人的贊同和支持,切實把握好主動性和執行力,切莫懶散懈怠,以便能夠有個較好的收穫,能夠有一定的機遇與契機,但把握起來會有難度,或可會因為考慮過多而胎死腹中,若積極應對著手,最終還是能夠有所收穫,但中途依然還是會有因盲目無序而致使事端頻發的狀況,需要大部分以順勢而為為主,遇到階段性瓶頸遲滯的時候,再考慮適當的逆勢爭取即可,前期需要在運勢的上升趨勢中盡力爭取,後期可以適當的等待水到渠成,有利於因變動而出現轉機,需要打破固有的方式,在轉機中藉助運勢的共振而得到反轉的機遇,但求新求變也要適可而止,不要尋求太過的突破性,以免局面難以掌控,面對機遇,不要浪費時間,躊躇猶豫或可時機不在,被動消極的方式不可取,面對挑戰,需要順勢而為,不要強求,前進不成便退一步,依然海闊天空一路是藍;Not suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, if you encounter such a situation, you will need to carefully all kinds of emergencies, suggest have a companion with auxiliary as well;Stand or fall of both of human relationships, there won't be very highlight the noble, even at the time of trouble stretched out his hand over the people for help, it is hard to get the full support of others, if you can get good advice or remind is very good, don't entertain wild hope, sometimes there will be the icing on the cake of noble, if you want to entertain wild hope, the more still expect their own ability and hard work of good, is not recommended to cooperate with people, easy because of the differences and conflict, will each other, even influence the progress of the follow-up, both is struggling with the team, cooperation effect was the improvement is not big, but still need inside and outside the unity and solidarity, the midway will occur due to the disagreement with people in gap, in the face of the personnel need to do more patience, confusion is tit for tat, so as to avoid injury, affect the future collaboration, dog is not much, but occasionally a careless's loss, it can let a person as fodder, but is not necessarily face to face with the opposite, is the so-called: who said no one behind, who say people behind, so generous response as well, don't overreact.;This work need to take, treat from time to time, don't miss out on opportunities, also don't blindly cater to opportunity, much cleverness to convenient, practical give priority to action;Swan bearer is fluctuated unavoidably, but still able to learn, and to acquire the force of its own and alone, after hard efforts, can be harvested, can with the help of a professional fame and so on as a way of expanding, it's easy to fall in the weak unrealistic fantasies, need to turn to pragmatic line up as soon as possible, difficulties or trough, need more patience, is the so-called: after a storm comes a month, life can't always be adversity;Health is good, need to pay attention to the old disease relapse, spleen and stomach disorders, the problem such as digestive function, at the same time need to alleviate the pressure of work, appropriate to avoid stress and emotional problems caused by sub-health status, insomnia.
Eight, the zodiac is sheep:
Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016Belong to the sheep的來說,今年吉星不多,但吉凶星勢均力敵,整體運勢會處於起落有度的狀態中,稍有勞碌之感,雖然不能充分的展現自身才華,但也能在平實之中獲得收益,需要做好現有的工作,不要試圖創新和求變,順勢而為即可,避免逆勢的努力,雖然進展較為遲緩,但很多都會按部就班的水到渠成,不利於施行新的計畫或方案,醞釀已久的宏圖大計,會遭遇遲滯和瓶頸,實施的時候也往往是懈怠難行,太過急功近利的方式不可行,會出現逆反的效果,說是執行力不足,不如說時運不高,即便前期寥寥著手,但後期也會逐漸消沉,不要投入太大的精力,或可僅是水中撈月,不宜太過剛愎自用,以免弄巧成拙,雪上加霜,更不宜參與跨行跨領域的項目,或可方向還不甚明確,前進也需要探路而行,在運勢平平的階段中則需要以穩定為主線,不可大張旗鼓,以免盡力突放異彩之後,反而是許久的沉寂,很多方面只能處於萌芽或初始狀態,且後續也尚未明確,不適宜較早的拔苗助長,也許小荷才露尖尖角的狀態則更適合,出現阻滯的階段,則需要藉助他人之力,或依靠時間的推移逐步化解,突發的狀況則需要步步為營的處理為好,謹慎會有被他人侵吞勞動成果的狀況,契約文字之類的失誤容易引發不利的後果,面對競爭不要過度爭取,以不變應萬變的方式或許更好,或可考慮用合作的方式來尋求更為有利的方式;Suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, suitable for long distance inspection experience, or learning is a very good way, but need to plan, never midway change schedule;Good interpersonal relationship, can get people to help, not only will have a spring breeze gifts, also can have the icing on the cake, suitable for listening to the opinions and Suggestions of others more, avoid headstrong, needed a machine of working with people, a good grasp the opportunity, the appropriate ready to cooperate, so then you can make progress to the next level, if can form a good momentum of development, will or by noble affirmative wildly, perhaps some harvest rather than strive for is easily accessible, there will be a mean person involve situation, especially in spite of the situation, the need to avoid your breath especially, think twice before you need to talk, avoid because of their fast and let others hold, if there is an unfavorable condition, should do argue in when things get bigger, silent and good resistance to keep it, or can be under the good help of noble, comfort is a disturbance, more suitable to calculate the progress in the form of cooperation, especially with the help of others to bring their fortunes opportunity, but need not to intervene into things others, lest because of its own deficiencies, and affect the interests of others, but end up embarrassing situation;This year only should do a good job in the existing unfavorable consideration innovation and so on, for those routes, the proper use of others to solve the problem, will only bring more blocks and the worry, barely flourishing bearer will learn by others' auxiliary, rhythm and suitable to cooperate with others for their own development, innovation change instead of the present stage of the main line, will carry the weak condition of a boat, and the possibility of a plodder, need appropriate to others for help as well, or could be due to help resolve many disadvantage;Health is a bit poor, need to pay attention to neuropathic pain, skin diseases, infectious diseases, such as thrombosis, ills there will be a sudden deterioration of the situation, such as if sudden illness and surgery, be sure to seek treatment as soon as possible, so as not to delay treatment.
Nine, zodiac monkey:
Teacher wu xiang said that in 2016A monkey,的來說,今年沖犯太歲,吉星時暗時明,凶星漸強,整體運勢起伏不穩,屬於較為波動的狀態,若能把握時機,也是能在階段性的上升趨勢過程中盡力爭取一把,並非是一無是處的消磨時光,只是做事難以十分順調的過渡,且時有滯迫的瓶頸,需要逆勢的努力和爭取,不宜奢望太高,不要過於跟自己較勁,進展不會太過於突顯,小為者能夠有所成,越大的事情處理起來也越周折,且多有阻滯,在遭遇阻滯時,需要沉著應變,新的計畫和方案可以適當施行,但需要努力進取,付出的辛苦很難與收穫成正比,但如果減少付出,或可反而是滿眼泡影,機遇會有,但需要有獨到的眼光,需要在運勢上升的波段中奮力一搏,出現良機則應當機立斷,切勿猶豫失機,過後則追悔莫及,要以平穩的心態面對階段性的低谷,且多做忍耐的功夫,平穩過渡,比較適宜以合夥協作的方式來共同努力,在不懈努力的同時,還需要適當的採取跳躍式的處理方式,不宜機械的維持現狀,雖然在某方面能有一定的話語權,或可還能夠發揮一定的專長,但勢必不要太過獨斷,正所謂:兼聽則明,偏聽則暗,隻身奮戰恐怕不足以克難而上,只有用合作的方式來共同尋求發展才是最好,即便出現瓶頸,也能按部就班的逐步解決,發揮一下螞蟻啃大象的精神,持久的耐力和執著也是促進成功的因素,循序漸進的處理更多的事情,進而能夠取得較大的成功;Suitable to go out to travel, business travel and so on, can use to go out for a certain interests, to avoid all kinds of temporary changes, careful stolen break of consumption;Relationships, popularity is good, can get the support of others, but for the help of others is not much, so, don't expect to profit by others, people will have, when have to encounter an opportunity, can cooperate the auxiliary of noble, if can hold good way in early cases, seek support again, perhaps more and better, at a bottleneck, can help others or to coordinate, but their efforts cannot little, little people could happen in an emergency, especially when bad, will only cause both positive conflict, need to try to avoid, temporarily suspended contradiction, though not necessarily because of time and fade, but not really, in order to avoid cut hard also disorderly, for others to avoid, so as not to break his word and discredited, LaMaiYuan instead, suitable for wide popularity, make new friends, but avoid involving other people, so as not to help themselves instead be driven, and finally end up embarrassing situation, each other cooperation way and downs, concrete will be subject to phase in failure, in the rising stage, or can be for people, instead of falling stage, also will appear the situation of defeated me;This year need to perserve, appropriate for contrarian, set priorities, to grasp the opportunity, to do more to try, when responsibly and fortunes rise and fall, the choice of appropriate good direction;Responsibly and flourishing, fortunes rise and fall, because the help of others, to gain, but individual efforts cannot little, competition may be able to find the opportunity, not to indulge in empty talk and dream of, also want to consider the events planned to the rhythm of the ups and downs, should not be alone of individualism, fortunes can be appropriately with the help of others to drive his opportunity, the weak fluctuation unavoidably, lack vitality and the power, can only be small, expect too much will only become empty talk, even ambitious, also just end up a retreat, avoid aggressive situation, or will have to pay instead of hard is wasted;Health fair, don't need to pay attention to avoid the spleen and stomach, issues such as rheumatism bone disease and disease recurrence, patients need surgery in the preoperative nursing need to fully, avoid the happening of temporary situation, careful boat Marine insurance, such as pregnant women need careful down touch.
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