Sun Moon Lake wenwu temple of Confucius st 29 to sign

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to sign29 to sign

Poem: friends belonged to the first acquisition, we trust benefit deep and book, Ming see Zhang Shengzi xia xian, let all the fresh.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: good friends are

The delta emphasized by the acquisition in our country, a friend is one of them.This is focus on the need of social life.Man without a friend, right is hard to survive in society.Friend is good or bad, good is honest, sincere, and informative.Can check for integrity, because of good faith and can get help, can be instructed by book.Zixia views about dating is: can with, cannot be denied.Zi zhang more thought: xian and elephant, jiashan and pity is can't.These truths, we when deep to observe.

The delta is not worth a good friend, a path.Lk multi-industry event.

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