Sun Moon Lake wenwu temple of Confucius SAN signed 27th to sign

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to signArticle 27 sign

Poem: people call hole door righties xian, from 6756, natural beauty, interpretation of bank return joy endless linger.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: appreciate the natural joy is auspicious

The delta now more than the average person love nature, engaged in tourism, it is a good phenomenon.Hole gate disciple, also have this hobby, and in the days of spring, swimming bath on the shore of more.So we should be known, was born in nature, must observe the beauty of nature, enjoy nature of truth, in order to open open happiness of life.Ming lake scenery, beautiful, to the person, will be tabled lake mountain, deep body of nature;Even more, it also makes.

The delta life pleasant, many fortunes find their way.

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