Sun Moon Lake wenwu temple of Confucius holy 26 to sign

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to sign26 to sign

Poem: gentleman to poor, poor keep moral-mind will gradually Ann, wealth timbres and enough love, coarse tzu uncommon.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: can the insistence bearer

The delta Confucius said: "the gentleman is poor, poor, bad."Person's life, all want to get rich in substance and comfortable.But everyone's condition is different, the opportunity is different, so some poor, some rich.Between the rich and the poor, some people can be content with poverty, can be called a gentleman;Some people can't content with poor behavior, but a little.Society embodies goods, solid enough nostalgia, but if not disorderly solid lines, out of nothing, improper use, is easy for the dog.As for the gentleman, well-behaved, though poor, but poor, its insistence can be.

The delta have keep for bright future.

Sun Moon Lake wenwu temple of Confucius holy sign sign 26 related content

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