Wenwu temple Confucius holy sign 25 sign Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to sign25 to sign

Poem: sound wisdom and since born, silent silent is impossible, but when asked all of the section, sound should know words in heart.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: languages section is auspicious

The delta language is a natural instinct, the mind share common interest, is expressed by language.If it is not language man fails;If it is not good at language affect the look and feel.Expression of language, it should be noted;Concurrently is content, whether reasonable, accord with human feelings, accord with law.Second is coherent, if clear, again is the wording, beautiful is complete.Finally, the tone of voice, and clear.Confucius once said: not learn poems: beyond words.The basic condition of visible language learning.

Delta can speak well, you can sell yourself, enough to benefit the rich.

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