Aquarius favorite joke big highlights

Today, small make up to tell you a joke, said is we xiao Ming, he tomorrowThe testBut is watching TV in the evening, xiao Ming mother was afraid to ask: have you finished the book?Have an exam tomorrow, xiao Ming is readily answer: mom, I finished watching.Xiao Ming mother will happy praise xiao Ming: good, tomorrow, then you must take an examination of well!Xiao Ming cried said: mom, I said, 'mom, I see, finished'.Everyone's the punchline, understanding is different also, small make up feel very funny, so share with everyone, well, usThe zodiacWhat's favorite joke is?Have a look at ourAquarius:.

Aquarius favorite joke big highlights _ the zodiac

More than 1, the crosstalk is not good.The meeting when I speak, the manager praised me speech penetrating, I'll be right back to him: you are a ass.

2, held on a business trip to meet other departments, if his surname, I respect him if the manager, he said: don't mention it, called little doubt.

3, manager: you can't use company phone chat during working hours.

Clerk: so when I rest at home where you call from't pick up anything.

(4), general manager of the hotelThe toiletOutside, listening to a knock on the door (individual).

Without hesitation, general manager of cried with a loud voice: "come in, please.

5, in the workplace should be like conan, there is a where I go let other people die of aggressiveness.

6, the manager: I hope you don't deal with any personal affairs during working hours, such as:Have a haircutAnd your nails.

Clerk: I go to work time got rid of that part of the hair and cut it off and that part of the nail, is a long time of work.

7, wang always lazy lazy to work, out of spirits.One day, the manager called him to the office, said: I don't know how is your marital status, but I'm only a suggestion to you: if you are single, please as soon as possibleTo get married;If you have been married, divorce, please hurry up!

8, manager: company car for you is to let you go do what company, you can't alwaysDriving a carWander.(the zodiac/astro /)

Clerk: you can give me with a pair of shoes, my own shoe company car accelerator again, a little loathe to give up.

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